

Sin, Iniquity, Transgression

 Matthew 7: 21-23 are alarming words the Church needs to hear because of their sheer intensity. Why do I say that? Simply because I am concerned for souls. Pick up your Bible today and read the verses closely! In it, Jesus is rejecting and telling Christians to depart from Him. Did I say, Christians? Yes. If you look closely at the two verses you will see that the people He is addressing had to be believers and followers of Jesus Christ because the only way a person can cast out demons in 'Jesus name is if they have been baptized in the Holy Ghost! Therefore, they had to be Christians who had been filled with the Holy Ghost. They also had admitted to doing othemighty works in His name as well as the gift of prophecy. By these, they thought they were worthy to enter heaven, and yet, were directed by Jesus to depart! Why? All Christians have a guaranteed ticket to heaven, right? Once saved always saved no matter what, right?

As a follower and believer in Jesus, you realize non-believers are not able to cast out demons, right? Where have you ever read in the Bible that a non-believer ever cast out Satan or cast demons out of people? A non-believer is simply not able to do that. Only a believer who has been filled with the Holy Spirit can do thatThen who were these who came to Jesus admitting they had cast out demons in His name and expected by that to be able to enter heaven? The "casting out power" comes from God alone within a believer not a non-believer. Jesus said, "Greater things than these shall you do ONCE THE HOLY GHOST HAS COME UPON YOU" John 14:12.  It requires the Holy Ghost to do these things! These people were Christians! Again, why would Jesus cast them out?  Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd, and I know My sheep and am known by My own" John 10:14.  Ask yourself, if they were filled with His Holy Spirit and admitted they had cast out demons in His name, wouldn't that make them a part of the body of Christ? Jesus answers that question in the same verse. Watch closely. He said, "Depart from me YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY." Jesus did not say, depart you who are sinners. Jesus did not say, depart you who do not believe. Jesus did not say, depart you who are lost, you who have transgressed, or you who have never heard of Me. He specifically called them workers of iniquity. It is pertinent we understand what being a "worker of iniquity" means. That's the key to Jesus' rejection.

In the Bible, three offenses are mentioned: Sin, Transgression, and Iniquity. There is a distinction we need to understand between these three. Put on your thinking caps. In Psalm 32:5, the psalmist says, “I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.’” In this one verse, “sin,” “iniquity,” and “transgression” are all mentioned. Basically, the three words communicate the same idea: evil and lawlessness as defined by God (see 1 John 3:4). However, upon closer examination, each word also carries a slightly different meaning which you need to grasp. Let's break it down:
The word sin and its two other similar words are used 786 times in the New International Version of the Bible. Sin means “to miss the mark.” It can refer to doing something against God or against a person (Exodus 10:16), doing the opposite of what is right (Galatians 5:17), doing something that will have negative results (Proverbs 24:33–34), and failing to do something you know is right (James 4:17). In the Old Testament, God even instituted sacrifices for unintentional sins (Numbers 15:27). Sin is the general term for anything that “falls short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Sin leads to a downward progression that, without the restoring power of the Holy Spirit, we all tend toward. The sin nature is present in every human being born since the Fall of Adam (Genesis 3:6–7; Romans 5:12). Naturally, it's why your 2 or 3-year-old will stomp his feet in rebellion, refusing to obey, and screaming no at you. That's not something you taught him. It comes naturally because of our fallen nature! Once a person reaches the age of accountability, continual sin if left unchecked, leads our sinful nature to gravitate naturally toward selfishness, envy, and pride, even when we are trying to do good. The apostle Paul alluded to his propensity to sin when he wrote, “For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out” (Romans 7:18).

The sin nature leads to trespassing. A trespasser is someone who crosses a line or climbs a fence that he should not cross or climb. A trespass may be intentional or unintentional. Trespass can also mean “to fall away after being close beside.” Peter trespassed when he denied Jesus (Luke 22:34, 56–62). We all “cross the line” in thought, word, or attitude many times a day and should be quick to forgive others who do the same (Matthew 6:15). But what about transgression. Transgression refers to presumptuous sinTo transgress is to choose to intentionally disobey; transgression is willful trespassing. Did you get that? An example would be Samson intentionally broke his Nazirite vow by touching a dead lion (Numbers 6:1–5; Judges 14:8–9) and allowing his hair to be cut (Judges 16:17); in doing so he was committing a transgression. David was referring to this kind of sin when he wrote, “Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered” (Psalm 32:1). Today we could say it's when we knowingly run a stop sign, tell a lie, or blatantly disregard an authority, we are transgressing.

However, INIQUITY is more deeply rooted! This is the one we need to focus on and the one you must understand clearly. Iniquity refers to a premeditated choice; to commit iniquity is to continue in sin without repentance regardless of what you have learned what God wants of you. David’s sin with Bathsheba that led to the killing of her husband, Uriah, was iniquity (2 Samuel 11:3–4; 2 Samuel 12:9). Micah 2:1 says, “Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds! At morning’s light, they carry it out because it is in their power to do it.” In David’s psalm of repentance, he cries out to God, saying, “Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin” (Psalm 51:2). This is what God has shown me again and again I must show BELIEVERS! As a believer and follower of Christ Jesus, tplan, think on, plot, and purposely continue in a particular sin whether it is (as an example) an adulterous affair, fornicating outside of marriage, drunkenness, homosexuality, etc. without any remorse, repentance, or turning from the vices you once lived in aligns you in a category of "you that work (or are workers of) iniquity. Why do you refuse to repent and turn from these sins? You simply cannot come to Christ, accept salvation, be baptized in the Holy Spirit, then continue in a life of deliberate debauchery. God forgives iniquity, as He does any type of sin WHEN WE REPENT AND TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS (Jeremiah 33:8; Hebrews 8:12). However, iniquity left unchecked leads to a state of willful sin with no fear of God! The build-up of unrepentant sin is sometimes pictured as a “cup of iniquity” being filled to the brim (Revelation 17:4; Genesis 15:16). Continued iniquity leads to unnatural affections, which leads to a reprobate mind. Romans 1:28–32 outlines this digression in vivid detail. The sons of Eli are biblical examples of reprobates whom God judged for their iniquities (1 Samuel 3:13–14). Rather than repent, Eli’s sons continued in their abominations until repentance was no longer possible. There can come a time it's too late once you've known the truth and still reject to obey what you know to do.  And there is no excuse to remain disobedient because the Holy Spirit is the power within you to perform it. 2 Peter 2:21, "It would be better if they had never known the way to righteousness, than, to know it and then reject the holy commandment delivered to them" (2 Peter 2:21). Look at this verse, "We know that God's children do not make a practice of sinning" (1 John 5:18 NLT). This, therefore, is the key!! God's children DO NOT LIVE IN INIQUITY. Children of God do not remain in and willingly continue to practice a particular sin (being a "worker" of iniquity) that remains a part of their old life! Will we slip, commit sins, and miss the mark of perfection? Of course! But we always feel remorse, we repent, we ask for forgiveness, then we keep marching to finish the race. true follower of Jesus who has been "saved" and baptized in the Holy Ghost will not remain in their old lifestyle, refusing to leave sins they enjoyed before being saved

Regardless of how depraved a human heart may become, Jesus’ death on the cross was sufficient to cover all sin (John 1:29; Romans 5:18). Psalm 32:5 ends with these words: “And you forgave the guilt of my sin.”  I  implore all Christians who are non-compliant, purposely and knowingly practicing sin(s) from the past, to REPENT REPENT REPENTFinally, if you call yourself a Christian but:
*Continue coupling outside of marriage or continue an extra-marital affair... 
*Willfully continue drinking and ignoring what God has shown us in Revelation that no drunkard will inherit the Kingdom of God ...
*Refuse to end your homosexual relationship ...
*Are Entangled in the debauchery involving immorality or perversion without remorse or fear of God ...
Please repent. Do not be a worker of iniquity any longer. You will be in danger of judgment because you have rejected the command you were given to live a life separate from the world and unto Christ. God will forgive you and give you the power to overcome if you repent and turn from your old lifestyles. Do it before it's too late.
Until He Comes,



 There is one thing I've noticed among my brothers and sisters in Christ. There is a whole lot of affliction! What is an affliction? It's simply a disorder, disease, ailment, condition, or illness that causes great suffering. But why? Why would the believers, of all people, be afflicted? Aren't we supposed to be healed by His stripes? Paul said something in his epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 4 verse 8 that many of us can relate to, "We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed, perplexed but not driven to despair." Today I want to address just one type of affliction and ask, why are we suffering from afflictions like fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, constant pain, bowel disorders, heart disease, lung disease, paralysis, on and on, and on? Is it that we have some kind of unconfessed sin causing our ailments? Is God mad and therefore punishing us? Why would a devote Christian who follows Jesus, loves the Word of God, follows in obedience, has been baptized in the Holy Spirit, etc. be afflicted? These are questions I have pondered over and over as I myself am "afflicted" by a genetic condition that progressed to the point I am now confined to a wheelchair. What in the world could possibly be the reason I, you, or any other believer is afflicted? I'm going to share what the Lord revealed to me.

It's obvious that we must consider the record of  JOB. Why? Because of the extreme amount of suffering he endured and the patience he maintained throughout his ordeal. You have heard people say of someone they admire, "He has the faith and patience of Job. You know the story of Job; yet let me go over it very briefly. The first chapter begins with the story of Job, how he was prospering. He was a good man, perfect, upright, one that feared God and eschewed evil. As his children feasted from day to day, he offered sacrifices lest they might have sinned. In verse six the scene is changed. The veil is drawn aside, and we see something happening in heaven. Satan appears, and when he is asked where he comes from he answers, "From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down it" Job 1:7. Then the question is asked, "Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that fears God, and escheweth evil?" verse 8. Satan answered the Lord and said, "Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. But put forth Your hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will curse You to Your face" Verse 9-11. These verses contain a challenge to the Lord that Job will not stand true. God accepts the challenge: "Behold, all that he hais in your power; only upon himself do not put not forth your hand." So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD" verse 12. Do you remember the calamities that came upon Job? One thing after another happened. Job was perplexed. He did not know what was going on in heaven. He did not know of the challenge, and that he was being put to the test, and that the Lord was depending upon him. Job was stripped of all that he had, laden with disease, heartache, betrayed by friends, but at the end, he arose and said:

"Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked will I return; the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly" verses 21-22. Satan was beaten. He had charged that Job served God because it was paying him; that God had put a hedge about him; that Satan could not get at him. But Job stood the test. PATIENCE. Then comes the second meeting in heaven, and Satan, unabashed, again appears. Though he had been beaten once, he was not discouraged. God asks him again if he has noticed Job. Satan answers, "Skin for skin, yes, all that a man has will a man give for his life. But put forth Your hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse You to your face." Job 2:4-5. God again accepts the challenge. And so Satan goes forth and does all he is permitted to do. He goes the limit. He may not kill Job, but he causes him to suffer intensely. Job is laid on the ash heap scraping himself, the matter oozing from all his sores. His wife counsels him to curse God and die. Job answers her: "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this, Job did not sin.  PATIENCE. Satan had been beaten again. 

Satan had tormented Job, causing him intense suffering; but Job had stood the test. God's confidence in him was not misplaced. Put yourself in Job's place. He was greatly perplexed at times. He had not seen that scene in heaven; he did not know the challenge that had gone forth. God was depending upon him. Job was perplexed. He could not understand why this thing had come. He was a righteous man and obedient to God in every way. He didn't understand how important it was in God's plan that he should stand the test. And he, like all of us who are afflicted to some degree, searched his soul and he did not know of any specific wrong he had done. Have you done this? Wondered this? Have you been perplexed as to why your suffering from illness, ailments, or disabilities? Was Job a bad man? Have you sometimes stood at the bed of sickness or gone through some severe trial and asked, "Why? Why me?" I have!  
So then, why?

UNDERSTAND! The problem of suffering and sickness is indeed an important one but all sickness is not the result of sin even though there are preachers that preach that and some of us have been duped into believing it. Look at this, of the man mentioned in John 9, it is asked, "Who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?" John 9:2. And Jesus answered, "Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him" verse 3. WOW. Sin was not involved. Could this be how God is using you? Don't get me wrong, there is, indeed, suffering that is a result of sin. You transgress and suffering results. That is one kind of suffering which we are generally quite well acquainted with. But there is another kind, mentioned in the fourth verse of the eleventh chapter of John (speaking of Lazarus) "When Jesus heard that, He said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby" John 11:4. Reading again, "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be manifest in him." We cannot know what purpose God has for the things He allows, other than, through reading scripture we know God has a purpose for our lives. I have known people to go through bad experiences and exclaim: "Why, Oh Lord, did this come on me? Where have I sinned? What have I done?" And they search their souls and can find no reason for it. They are perplexed. Could it be, as it was with the apostle Paul, he had to contend with the thorn in his flesh? (2 Corinthians 12:6-7). Notice it says FLESH? That was in Paul's body! So is it plausible that there is a purpose even in suffering, and that it may be that God is causing you to pass through that perplexity that you may be able to help and to comfort those who are in any trouble? After all, it is only as we pass through certain experiences that our words of comfort or reproof have any weight? I'm writing this for any believer who is worried and perplexed and who does not understand that God is putting them through trials for the purpose of service! Consider the spiritual impact you have when you walk through the fire (whatever that might be: a recent heart attack, daily pain, a crippling disability) and others see you come through it still trusting God, maintaining your faith, and still happy to witness His goodness. That's a powerful testimony you might not otherwise be able to give.

The bottom line is if you have an unexplained affliction or if you have been constantly attacked perhaps for years on end for no reason at all, just keep in mind Satan is given permission to try God's people to the utmost. We will cry to God day and night. It is the time of Jacob's trouble. We search our souls to see if any sin is left. But we find none. We repented of our sins. There is nothing against us. But the trial that comes brings perplexity, anxiety, confusion, terror, and distress. We go through somewhat the same experience that Job went through. Remain PATIENT. there is a purpose. Keep fighting the fight of faith. Stay strong. Honor God. Remain faithful. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes in the morning Psalm 30:5.
Until He comes,


I Waited But You Never Came


Many of you who converse with me on my Facebook page know I love animals. Having two cats and two rescued dogs is a testimony to that fact. One morning last month I awoke under a flannel sheet covered by two heating blankets that were caressing my body in a warm nirvana all night long. While lying on my back I began to stir and stretch. One of my cats sprung out of nowhere and jumped on the bed letting out a cute little phuuup sound. While curling up beside me she began nudging my arm with her nose in what was a successful attempt to cuddle and steal a hug. 
What a great moment that was, snuggled in a warm bed with my cat beside me safe from the frigid temperatures outside. It wasn't but a wink until my bliss turned to grave concern. The weatherman had predicted frigid cold for the next few days.  He warned the TV viewers to let their kitchen and bathroom faucets drip overnight to keep any pipes from freezing and bursting. As cozy and warm as I was, I realized protection from freezing was not true for many pets left out in the winter. As I lay there thinking, my mind drifted back to a situation I had witnessed as a volunteer at a local animal shelter.
On my very first day as I rounded the cages of lost, forgotten, and abandoned cats and dogs, I recall seeing one particular dog that was not confined in a pen.  He was sitting at the glass front door peering out over the parking lot.  People came in and out but this cute little dog sat perfectly still as if he were waiting for someone. I didn't think much of it at the time. My job was to take pictures of the dogs there, write creative personal bio's, then post their pictures online in hopes of attracting potential adopters.  Every day when reporting for duty I would see that same dog waiting at the front door peering through the glass. He always seemed disinterested in anyone coming or going. He never budged from his spot and he never looked up at people. After several weeks I became curious and inquired why this little Chihuahua, Lopez, was allowed to roam free while all other cats and dogs had to be restrained within assigned, numbered cages. And why or what was he waiting for?  The shelter manager told me he belonged to a former shelter employee who brought him to work every day. For reasons unknown the employee walked away from his job leaving his paycheck, never returning to the shelter, and never coming back for his dog. For two long years, Lopez waited for his owner. Every morning when the shelter was opened and the lights came on, little Lopez would run to the glass door and sit.  Still, his owner never came and Lopez was never adopted. Lopez eventually realized he had been abandoned and fell into despair. Lopez died waiting. He was found at the door one morning when the manager turned the key to enter the shelter.  Lopez had faithfully waited for his owner to come to get him, visit him, or even talk to him. 
 It's a sad story and remembering it can still induce tears.  Do you have any idea why I have told this story? This story creates a picture in my mind of how God must feel when we do not visit Him by praying, talking to Him, or reading our Bibles often. I can be distracted by TV shows I want to watch, by blogging on Facebook, spending time with my pets, or by just being exhausted that I often neglect to read the Bible as diligently as I should.  Oh yes, even me.  I am guilty.  As the story of Lopez came rushing back, I felt such shame as I mentally pictured God waiting for us just like faithful Lopez waited in vain.  The Bible, especially for the believer, is one of our greatest sources of spiritual food.  But sometimes we still fill up on too much junk food such as blogs, social media, news, TV sitcoms, books, online games, etc.  These things aren't bad in and of themselves but when they become the major source of your day something happens!  Your reasoning and perspectives will become less and less of a godly viewpoint. As an example, when a human body has a sodium deficiency, it will crave salty foods.  You might not even notice that you're craving salty foods in particular, but your body is reacting to that deficiency by creating a desire for something that restores it.  I know people whom I am friends with on FaceBook who have no desire to ever read the Bible.  They want nothing to do with it.  But that doesn't mean that as God's creation they don't crave, on some level, the desire for His Truth, His Wisdom, His Love, or His Perspective.  I frequently hear from non-Christians who have no idea how closely their innermost desires parallel God's desire for them.  A Christian, on the other hand, is much more likely to notice the source of this spiritual deficiency.  We've already been exposed to the source of God's Wisdom, Truth, and Perspective.  God's Word is meant to permeate every aspect of our lives.  Our knowledge of Him is supposed to transform us (2 Corinthians 2:15).  The more space that grows between your reading of scripture the more you'll find yourself saying things like, "That reminds me of a verse in the Bible" (but you cannot recall it), or, "That sounds kind of like the passage where...." (but you cannot recall it).  Before you even realize it, you'll begin paraphrasing it, changing it as you go along, making vague references to it, or letting other sources (books, articles, teachings) have a greater impact on your understanding of God's character which may not be true at all.  Have you ever said, thought, or whispered to yourself, someone else, or even God, "Look, at least I read a couple of verses today." 
Reading the Bible isn't just something you need to do to stay spiritually healthy.  It's not a pill you have to swallow or a chalky vitamin you have to chew.  Reading the Bible is something you should do because you want to!  How much you read and how frequently you read is not the point.  Reading exposes you to the history of the Creator's relationship to creation -- that includes you.  Lopez wanted a relationship with his owner.  Not because he had to, not because he was afraid to be punished if he didn't, and not because he would be threatened.  Lopez wanted a relationship with his owner because he was driven by love.  If a dog can have that kind of desire and faithfulness, can you not muster enough love for God?  If you want to know who God is, He had 40 people write a book with 66 chapters about Him over the course of 1,500 years!! Now, all you have to do is pick up a Bible off the shelf, read the Bible online in any version you want, or even download the Bible to your phone!  Don't do it because you feel someone is making you do it.  Had Lopez's owner returned, Lopez would have been crushed if he thought his owner really had no interest in him but was being forced to return to the shelter.  Also, don't read the Bible to show off or brag about how much you read.  Don't memorize verses to look impressive, to get a pat on the back, or acknowledgment from your friends.  These things can be motivators to assist you in getting on the right track and to create healthy spiritual habits, BUT DON'T LET THOSE BE THE REASONS YOU READ THE BIBLE.  A healthy relationship with God will drive you to read the Bible because what it says excites you!  Read the Bible because you want to know God!  Read the Bible because it's living and active (Hebrews 4:12).  Read the Bible because it can SPEAK POWERFUL TRUTH into your life.  Read the Bible so that your life reveals more of Christ in you (2 Corinthians 3:3).  I know God will always be faithful to be there for us when we do decide to communicate, turn to Him, and read His Word. He will never grow tired of hearing us and interacting with us. And, He will never forsake us the way we have often failed and forsaken Him.  
Until He Comes,


Of Water And Of Spirit

The Lord woke me early this morning as He often does (2:34 a.m. it was) and began filling my mind with scriptures and the direction for this blog. Here are the words that came to me:
"You must be born again of water and of spirit." John 3:5 (Tell them what is meant by Water and Spirit.)
"By the washing of the water by the word." Ephesians 5:26  (I'm coming for a Church washed in water without spot or blemish. Tell them.)
As I thought about the words in these scriptures, I started breaking them down:
We must be born again which involves two things. Water and Spirit. What are water and spirit? Simply His Word and the Holy Ghost. We can read in scripture that Jesus is coming for a Church (believers) who are sanctified and holy. The only way for this to happen is through washing in water BY THE WORD (Ephesians 5:26) and receiving the Holy Spirit. What does washing in water mean?

We can break it down even further. First, We must be born again of water OR in other words, we must be washed IN THE WORD because he said "by the washing of water BY THE WORD. What about actual water baptism? Doesn't that count? By coming forward to be baptized in literal water is like a promissory note, an act of faith showing our commitment to God, symbolizing the washing away of our old life, and beginning to walk in newness with Him. We know Jesus was THE WORD made flesh (John 1:14; Revelation 19:13) therefore Jesus and the WORD are synonymous. Secondly, we must be born of the spirit is the same as we must be born of the Holy Ghost. Acts 1 records John baptized with water" (the baptism of repentance of sin). After you repent of your sins, you need to immerse yourself IN THE WORD (the Bible is the spiritual water). Then you will receive power from the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) to witness as you begin your journey of holy living. Remember, the word holy means separated, it doesn't mean you are some kind of pure god being. It means you are dedicated and consecrated to God, it means you are separated from your sin and unto Christ alone. Being born again of water and of the spirit is the regeneration of the human spirit in contrast to physical birth. Jesus also told us not to be surprised by the idea of rebirth in John 3:5-7.

It's time for believers and even non-believers to understand the call of God because the days are evil. When you think about the world in these times that we are living in, it isn’t hard to see that there is a huge amount of suffering going on. Warfare, poverty, political unrest, innocents suffering and being killed, etc. It can leave us wondering: when will it all end? Have you as a Christian ever wondered how long can God allow this to continue? But did you know there is something that believers can do to shorten these evil days? “Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God.” 2 Peter 3:11-12. 
It is through the fear of God that we can hasten the coming of the day of God. As believers, we are to come to perfection in Christ, so that there is no spot or blemish in us. This is said of Christ, "that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.” (Ephesians 5:27.) With the strength and guidance God gives us by the Holy Spirit, each one of us can live without committing conscious, willful sin. With that strength and grace, we are able to overcome sin in our flesh when we are tempted, to the degree that we are obedient to the light and understanding that God has given us. The more faithful and obedient we are, the faster the work He has prepared for us will be accomplished (Ephesians 2:10) By this “holy conduct and godliness” we hasten His coming.

Paul said it like this: “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on …” He is speaking about being perfect as Jesus is perfect; coming to the whole fullness of God (Colossians 29; Matthew 5:48). Are you thinking nonsense, none of us can be perfect. But Paul says that he was "reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3: 12-14. How can we possibly come to the point where we have no spot or blemish or wrinkle? What does that even mean?
To have no spot or wrinkle or blemish doesn’t mean that we have no sin, as we can clearly see in 1 John 1:8 all have sinned and fallen short of what God intended for us. As we grow in Him we become more and more enlightened to what He desires of us. We sometimes harbor sin (gossip, jealousy, anger, and the like that we are as yet unaware of, which God hasn’t given us light/understanding over because He only shows us as much as we can bear at a time. The more we read and learn, the more we grow and mature. We confess our sins, repent, and keep pressing on. That sin which He hasn’t shown us yet doesn’t cause us to be blemished, but what does cause a blemish in us, is disobedience. If God has spoken to us time and time again about something that we need to overcome, if He has given us light over something, and we don’t do anything about it, but allow that sin to remain active in us, then we get “spots” and become blemished. That will make us unfit to be a part of that glorious church that He will present to Himself. We have to do something when He shows us something in ourselves; we have to repent and continue to fight and come to victory over that sin.

We are not accountable for the sin that we are not aware of. Have you ever read the Word of God and discovered something you were doing in your life was a sin but you weren't even aware of it? That's what I'm talking about   But we are fooling ourselves if we think we can say, “Yes, I knew about that sin in myself, but the righteousness of Jesus covers me, so I will not be held responsible for it. I overcome through faith in His finished work on Calvary, not by anything I must or can do.” Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we can indeed receive undeserved forgiveness for sins we have and do commit. But the salvation obtained through forgiveness is only the beginning of a disciple’s life. Jesus opened a way of salvation from sin for us. This way, the way that Paul was pressing forward on, leads to the goal: to be perfect in Christ as far as we have received light/understanding. This way reaches all the way to God’s throne (Hebrews 10:19-22)There we receive all the mercy and grace and help we need to overcome sin (Hebrew 4:15-16). The power of the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent to us after He had opened up this way, is what enables us to be “… more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:27).

It is critical that we pursue this goal, and be faithful to the extent that we have light/understanding over the sin in our flesh. None of us can do more than what we understand to do. But we can be 100% faithful to do that which we do understand. Then God can give us more light and understanding as time goes by, and if we are faithful to be obedient, then that pursuit of righteousness will hasten the coming of the day of God and He will receive a Bride whose lamps are burning bright, who are washed in His Word of Truth, kept by the power of His Spirit through grace and mercy, without spot or wrinkle.
Until He Comes,


The Attacks Of Satan On God's Truth


(credit Manny Di Benedetto Martinez)

 Satan opposes the purpose of God -

Satan failed in his revolt in heaven. What does he have left to do? He will attack the purpose of God on earth and attempt to make a kingdom for himself here.

His strategy is to undermine the truthfulness of God with lies. He is a skilled and experienced liar. Ever since he first lied to Eve in the Garden he has been successful as a master deceiver.

His goals are threefold:

* He wants people to spend eternity with him in hell

* He wants people to honor him while dishonoring God

* He wants to possess and have total control over individuals

That old slick devil is going to make fools of people by getting them to believe counterfeit religions, cults, occult practices, and false philosophies of life.

Think about all the sheep that already died believing that they are saved or can be saved through human merits or through some religious system.

Satan's Counterfeit Religions:

Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, Hare Krishna, Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, Bahaism, Silva Mind Control, Theosophical Society, Roy Masters, Echkankar, etc...

Satan's Cults:

He also accomplishes his goals through cults. Religions are systems of works, whereas cults are a perversion of Christ, His atonement, and His Word. 

Christian Science, Unity, Scientology, Jehovah Witness, Mormonism, Masons, Unification Chruch, Unitarianism, New Age, The Way International, Swedenborgianism, Herbert W. Armstong, "The Local Chruch", Children of God, etc...

Many of the principles and practices of cults are already widely taught in our public schools. 

Satan's Occult Practices:

Occultism is the participation in demonically controlled practices. It brings one into direct contact with Satan or demons. 

Astral-projection, Astrology, Palm Reading, Hypnosis, Seance, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Fortune Telling, Tarot Cards, Quija board, Visionary Dreams, Ghosts, Fetishism, Blood Pacts, Spirit Guides, Materialization, Speaking in Trance, Table lifting, Incubi and Succubae, Rod and Pendulum, etc...

If Satan cannot capture an unbeliever with false religions, cults, or occult practices, he can always turn to false philosophies of life.

Satan's False Philosophies:

Kant's "no absolutes apart from experiences"

Hegel's "no absolutes - all life is relative"

Kierkegaard's existentialism "what may be true for you may not be true to me"

Darwin's evolutionism "no purpose in life...survival of the fittest" 

Freud's psychoanalysis "free love...we are all motivated by pleasure"

Skinner psychology - "self-esteem movement and behavior modification"

Dewey's humanism - "man is the measure of all things. He is god"

America has deeply embraced all these false religions, cults, occult practices, and absurd philosophical ideas. 

Our schools, churches, media, and every social structure have been deeply invaded by Satanic lies and mind manipulators. We have become stupidly programable.

Why? Because most people do not know the Truth. Instead, they have developed itchy ears to hear liars, false teachers, and preachers.

Any wonder why America is going to hell in a handbasket? We handed her over to Satan by adopting all his lies of which he has many.

Put on your silly mask. Get that vaccine. Adopt Satanic arguments for life and put your trust in his false securities...

This is not what God wanted for us...

Until He Comes,



What's That On Your Dress?


Your wedding day is one of the most important events in your life. The day is full of emotion surrounded by the support of family and friends who love you. You look forward to this special day for months if not years. When the day finally arrives you hope everything will be perfect including the music, flowers, your hair, your veil, and your gown. You meticulously groom and preen yourself over and over, checking at the last possible moment for a spot or wrinkle on your dress you may have missed. You want nothing more than to present yourself as a beautiful and perfect bride when your eyes meet your Bridegroom!
Are there any of you that would dare walk down the aisle in a spotted wedding gown like in the picture posted above? I dare say, not one of us! Yet in a spiritual sense, some of us are wearing spotted wedding gowns unaware the church organ is about to play the famous song Here Comes The Bride! Is this really how you want to meet Jesus? You are not ready!

What do I mean by a spotted gown? The true followers of Christ are referred to throughout the scriptureas "The Bride Of Christ," and as followers, we believe Christ is coming for His Bride (His true Church) as promised in the Bible. She is not just any bride. Her commitment to Him from the moment of being "saved," has kept her untainted or "unspotted" from the impurities of sin she used to relish in. She willfully turns from sin. She's a spiritual virgin and maintains a deep SPIRITUAL intimacy with Jesus. Her gown is white for 3 reasons: the forgiveness and redemption of sin through Jesus' blood sacrifice on the cross, sanctification by the Holy Spirit working in her, and keeping faithfully pure for Him alone. She refuses to return and commit fornication again with the world. Ephesians 5: 26-27 says this about Jesus and His Bride, "and (he) gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the Word, and to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or any wrinkle or any other blemish but holy and blameless." 

The Bride heeds the words in Timothy 2:19 and eagerly and purposely does not allow herself to once again engage in all sorts of ungodliness from her past life. She departs from iniquity! "Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, The Lord knows them that are His. And, Let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity." And she does! You see, analytically they that love God keep themselves just as a literal virgin bride keeps herself for her wedding day. Keeping oneself isn't done through one's own strength, lest one boast of good works. Rather, they desire with the help of the Holy Spirit to turn from their former life and former sins. And as His Bride, they no longer make a practice of sin and by divine assistance accomplish it!! PRACTICE is the keyword here! Christ's Bride will not regularly or repeatedly exercise herself in sins.

How does one's garment become defiled?  What constitutes a spot/blemishSIN! Many illustrations of corrupt human nature pertain to the flesh such as adultery, uncleanness, lasciviousness, drunkenness, and homosexuality, etc. Some may think the Church doesn't engage in such things, that born-again Christians just don't do those things anymore. Sadly, you'd be mistaken! Hopefully, as a professing Christian, these have no place in youlife anymore.  Imagine the last time you visited the grocery store and bought fruit. As an example, apples, peaches, or grapes. Did you look them over before placing them in your cart? Most of us do especially if bought individually. We look, examine, and choose the ones closest to perfection, at least without mold, spots, or rotting areas. Can fruit with bad areas still be useful if it has some spots? Yes, but only if we cut the spots out!! This is what Jesus is looking for in a Bride. Hear me out. I'm not saying you have to be perfect. I'm not saying you'll never grow weak and not commit sin. I'm saying if there are old sins you are refusing to abandonthose you willfully keep choosing to do, you are blemished! To remain "spotless" in a spiritual sense you cannot return to your former way of living. If you are a Christian and continue in a sexual relationship outside of marriage, you are PURPOSELY and WILLFULLY committing a sin.  If you are a Christian and engaged in a same-sex relationship you are PURPOSELY and WILLFULLY committing a sin.  If you continue to return to a bar to drink and get drunk, you are PURPOSELY and WILLFULLY committing a sin. These things should not be! You cannot continue to return to your former sins like a dog returns to its vomit or as a pig to her wallowing in the mire LEST A WORSE THING COME UPON YOU. God keeps urging me to tell the Church to cleanse herself of such things. Oh, I'd rather be like so many others who uplift and encourage you, telling you how God is love, how you can do anything and still get into heaven, how His mercy forgives those who once knew Him but have walked away for good. But I cannot! His messages are extensions of patience and endurance yet filled with warnings. He's coming soon. Rev 3:5, "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life but will confess his name before My Father and before His angels." To be "blotted out" your name must have been written in the Book of Life in the first place, right? Right? If our names, as believers, are written in the Book of Life we surely want no spot, no wrinkle, no WILLFUL or defiant sin left in our life that might get our names removed! The point here is are you still conducting your life in WILLFUL, DEFIANT, and REBELLIOUS DISOBEDIENCEThe one who willfully continues sinning after receiving the gift of God is in danger of being blotted out!

ONLY believers can also have their names blotted out. The unbelievers do not qualify under this category because they were never written in the LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE in the first place! The names of all unbelievers are written in and judged out of the "other" books- (books plural!) The other books are namely, the law! Read Revelation 20:12 closely ... "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and the books (plural) were opened. Another book (singular) was opened, which is the Book of Life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books (plural)." True believers are judged out of ONE book (The Lambs Book of Life) and unbelievers are judged out of the other books of law (plural.) ONCE A BELIEVER'S NAME IS BLOTTED OUT, that name disappears from the list of those who are saved. Remember Jesus words, "Depart from me you who work iniquity"?? 1 John 3:9 (NIV) "No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning because he has been born of God" -- John is telling the believers that we cannot go on willfully and purposefully sinning even though we know what God has shown us and cleansed us from. You cannot continue to sin as a drunkard, a fornicator, an adulterer, a pedophile, a homosexual, on and on.  You must forsake all that. Revelation 16:15 "Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches and KEEPS his garments, lest he walks naked, and they see his shame."  There is a big difference between slipping up and committing a sin due to the weakness of the human flesh, and willfully choosing to consciously continue IN sin. The entire purpose of Christianity is change ... rebirth!

Our Bridegroom is coming soon. You must be dressed and ready. Check your heart. Bring your actions in alignment with the spirit so that your garment will remain white. Believers have a dire warning in 2 Peter 2:10-21 "For if after they have escaped the pollution's of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them." Be careful not to slip back into your former habits and vices so that you not entangled therein, and overcome.
Are we not married to the Lord? Is He not the Husbandman? Are we not His Bride? Are you still looking to the world and what it offers through lusts and desires? The garment you wear tells it all. I am talking to the believers! This message is not to the unsaved! The unsaved aren't dressed in white! God's Word is to His people. I am writing with the urgency of the Spirit of God. We MUST take an evaluation of ourselves and correct what is wrong, so we, as a glorious church, not having a spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, can be holy and without blemish. Sometimes I bow my head and cry. Who will listen? Who will get it? 
Until He Comes,