

We Are All Disabled Until We Get Our Spiritual Legs

One day, I could no longer walk. It was as simple as that. I was diagnosed with CMT. CMT is a genetic disorder due to a defective gene that destroys the myelin sheath surrounding the nerves in the body's extremities. CMT causes weakness in arms, legs, hands, and feet until they no longer respond when the brain sends a message to "move". Over time, progressive peripheral neuropathy inhibits movement and balance. Thus the symptoms of stumbling, tripping, falling, and eventually, any muscle affected will no longer respond to messages sent from the brain. Though the symptoms of my disorder began in my 30's it has been a gradual destructive process. By the time I reached my 50's, I required the use of a cane that eventually has now led to life in a wheelchair. There were no warnings or indications early on. I was an active, healthy young adult. As time has passed, I have learned to deal with the pain and lack of mobility. I'm not writing this blog for sympathy. God knows I don't like admitting I'm disabled, but He has urged me to surrender what pride I still cling to that I might bring a spiritual lesson to teach you.

Scripture describes the Christian life as a daily "walk" (1 John 1:17 and 3 John 3-4). Ironic for me since I cannot physically walk, yet I am walking in the ways of the Lord! I want us to realize this allegorically, our SPIRITUAL LEGS can become weak, we cannot walk properly, and we need medical care. When we are spiritually ill, we need The Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17), a mirror for examination (James 1:22-25), and a visit to the Great Physician (Deuteronomy 32:39; Psalm 103:3). As humans, when physical injuries come we can adapt and work around those injuries through a measure of self-sufficiency that can sustain us. We rely upon own our senses that direct us to seek help, whether by our own hands, with help from a friend, or by seeking out someone in the medical profession. The choices are varied. However, it is not the same in the spiritual sense. We have only one choice, in that, we must depend completely on the Lord to heal us. "It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps" (Jeremiah 10:23 NKJV). "Without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6).

Spiritually, things will not get better with time because our faith will wither without constant attention. Clinging to the Great Physician is our only hope (Deuteronomy 32:39). We can listen to a variety of people and their opinions, or we can go to the only one who is truly knowledgeable about our condition. Dining on spiritually healthy food (scriptures) and investing in prayer and fellowship are required if we will return to our full spiritual health. Submitting ourselves into the hands of our Great Physician without shrinking or shying away is the only answer. We must listen to and trust Him. If we cannot walk spiritually here on earth, we will not walk in heaven one day.

Thankfully, our physical condition has nothing to do with our ability to walk spiritually. I can testify to that. Hallelujah. No matter what body we were handed, our spirits can soar like eagles. We stand liberated by God’s Spirit, lifted by his loving arms because he loves us passionately. How do you walk spiritually? Are you able to run or do you fall flat? If the latter, you need the loving hands of the Great Physician to make everything better. If you earnestly seek to live for Him, He will show you how to soar like an eagle despite any negative circumstances that come against you.
Until next time,
What is CMT:



I want to talk about something that I believe many of us struggle with or are bothered by. I found the perfect word and picture online that fits what I so often witness as a Christian. The word is Assumicide. I'm hoping something I write in this blog will help us deal with it. What is assumicide?? It happens when false assumptions are made about others so that they are portrayed in the worst possible light. Relationships are killed by it! If we are honest with ourselves, we can admit we are creatures that are sometimes prone to be suspicious and therefore assumptive. When we become offended or hurt, we immediately begin to "assume" or look for evidence that someone did us wrong. I cannot say everyone reading this blog is guilty, but I can tell you I have been. Have you ever assumed at any time in your life that someone had it in for you for whatever reason? Assumicide leads to the death of relationships because we end up believing the worst about others. I know of at least four people who have written me (no one from this blogging group) with their own suspicions about others and have asked my opinion as to why the other person is assuming falsehoods. Some of the assumptions have been way out there! We have all been guilty at one time or another of drawing wrong conclusions on the basis of tiny scraps of evidence. Look at these statements:
1. She didn't call back so it's evident in my mind she must not want to talk to me.
2. She didn't respond to my post on FaceBook so she must have de-friended me.
3. How could he possibly be a Christian when he drinks beer?
4. I saw her in a bar. She must be an alcoholic or looking for a pick-up.
5. The way it looks I'll bet they are sleeping together.
6. He's probably a jerk at home too.

If you are a victim of assumicide (which I have been more times than I can count on all my fingers) it's very hard to fight back against false assumptions because once a person has formed an opinion, they like to stick with it. Few things hurt more than being misunderstood by our close friends. The closer they are to us, the greater the pain. When that happens we discover a lot about ourselves. How we respond when we have been misunderstood tells a great deal about the depth of our Christian faith. Just remember this ... it always starts over something small: someone didn't answer our email, didn't invite us to their party, we heard they said something negative about us, they suddenly seemed cold when they used to be glad to see us, etc. Little things. Small stuff. Petty complaints. Congregations have split and friendships have ended over things that started very small but grew all out of proportions. Believe it or not, this happened to the apostle Paul. I saw it in the book of Corinthians. If you read 1 and 2 Corinthians closely you will see how Paul responded to a misunderstanding that threatened to destroy a friendship and a local church. Paul planned to go to Macedonia and then to Corinth (1 Cor 16: 5-7), and even said: "if the Lord permits"(1 Cor 16:7). But guess what? That trip never took place. He later planned to do the opposite: go to Corinth THEN Macedonia (2 Cor 1:15-16)..."I planned to visit you first so that you might benefit twice"(verse 15). Then? He actually decided to postpone his trip altogether. "I decided that I would not bring you grief with another painful visit" (2 Cor. 2:1). Because of this, Paul's opponents used his changing plans as a way to attack his credibility! They were guilty of assumicide. Watch this: "See, you can't trust him. He calls himself an apostle, he says he's coming but he never shows up." They assumed he wasn't trustworthy and basically labeled him an outright liar. That was a huge problem for them. Before knowing all the facts they assumed the worst of Paul. I mean, keeping your word is hugely important for all of us of course, but especially for spiritual leaders. It's all about integrity, consistency, proving yourself trustworthy, showing up on time, and doing what you said you would do. If people feel they cannot count on you, how will they ever listen to what you have to say? Note! Paul did not lie to them, there was no deception, he didn't ignore them out of anger, etc. What did Paul do about these assumptions? He answered them in three parts: "My conscience is clear" (verse 12). "I haven't hidden anything from you" ( verse 12). "I haven't tried to deceive you" (verse 13). [Beatitude: "Blessed is the man who has nothing to hide."] How does this apply to us? I had to think this through.

If you read those scriptures again, Paul never tried to hide his change of plans. It's true he changed his mind several times, but whether or not the Corinthians understood it, in reality, his only concern was for their welfare though they assumed differently. Paul stated, "Not that we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, because it is by faith you stand firm" (2 Cor 1:24). Paul was expressing his love for the Church, and then he simply said, "I am not afraid." Paul was honest, open, and meant no harm, but some people will choose to misunderstand no matter what we say or do. Sometimes there's just nothing to say but, "My conscience is clear." When you've been the victim of assumicide, sometimes all you can do is rest your reputation with the Lord. When others twist your words, do not despair. Speak the truth, explain yourself clearly, then entrust your future with God! It is God that knows you through and through, it is Christ who has anointed you, sealed you, revealed the Holy Spirit and promised to guide you. If you trust in Him, the time of chaos will pass and you will be stronger for having gone through the struggle. In the meantime, our motives may be challenged. And as hard as this may be for some to hear, we really cannot solve every problem people have. Some people won't listen. Some people love to argue. Some people already have their minds made up. Some people have an answer for everything! It was the same in Corinth. People haven't changed. As I understand it, the church at the time was so divided with factions, and because Paul had already sent them a very stern and painful letter as tears streamed down his face, he knew the situation was inflamed so he decided not to go to Corinth. I'm fascinated by the way the passage ends though. Paul wrote, "I wrote that letter in great anguish, with a troubled heart and many tears. I didn't want to grieve you, but I wanted to let you know how much love I have for you" (2 Cor 2:4). WOW! Does that sound like a liar? A man lacking credibility? A man hiding something? A man of anger?

In closing, keep in mind we will be misunderstood by our friends and the best defense is always an honest, clear, non-defensive explanation. We cannot control how people will respond to us, so pray for those who misunderstand you. Scripture is clear, we must not return evil for evil even though it's hard to do especially when your motives are repeatedly attacked! But, we are to be like our Lord, who, when He was attacked reviled not. It's going to happen and that will be a real test of your faith. You will find out what you really believe when others mistreat you. Sometimes the real test of your faith is what you DON'T DO. Sometimes you'll be a better Christian by not saying anything at all. So what's the trick? How can you do this? The answer is in 1 Peter 2:23, "He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly." So trust God to handle the ending! I have used the following statements (speaking under my breath!) on many occasions when I've been so sorely misunderstood: "It's not about me. It's not about now. It's all about God. It's all about eternity." You will find that as a follower of Jesus you will not only be misunderstood by the world but by other Christians as well! May God give us the spirit of Jesus that we might walk in His steps, forgive others who assume and attack our best intentions, and have the faith to leave it in God's hands to handle as needed.
Until next time,


Are You Being Surveilled?

I had quite a scare this week. I received an alert from LIFELOCK asking me to contact them right away. For those that aren't familiar with that company, Lifelock is an American identity theft company that detects fraudulent applications for credit and illegal use of your personal information. I pay them a monthly fee to monitor my credit, bank account, any potential loans being taken out in my name, my SS #, and personal information. "If" someone were to get access to any of these things, I will be notified and asked if I was the person attempting to make a transaction. If any damages or threats result from stolen identity, Lifelock will handle the matter so that I am not liable for any damages. So when I received my first alert after being a member for three years, I became anxious knowing I may have become the victim of identity theft. Thank the good Lord such wasn't the case. Lifelock went to work immediately when I confirmed I was not the person who applied for credit to purchase a cellular plan from ATT U-Verse. Someone miswrote and transposed one number of their Social Security which matched my number and made it appear someone was using my number to apply for credit. The alert came because this person used their name and address but the SS number they marked down (my number) did not match that same person's address or phone number. Thank God Lifelock had their eyes watching over for me.

This is what I want to talk about today. The EYES that are watching you. You cannot step outside your front door without a camera or security system seeing you and recording every move you make. There aren't just surveillance cameras at courthouses and banks anymore, they exist on traffic lights, in grocery stores, parking lots, and so much more including on the front porch of homes through their RING doorbells and Blink security systems. Mine records activity 24/7 not only at my front door but beyond into the street, up the street, and every home as far as my eyes can see. It's humorous to observe how some people who come up on my front porch, notice the camera, then quickly turn and leave as if they had bad intentions. We are simply born with an innate inclination not to be watched or observed without our permission. It makes us uneasy, tense, edgy. We want our privacy! Often times, to compensate for this "intrusion" we will act our best when we know someone is watching. There are people that act entirely different during the hour they are at church in front of the preacher than when they are at home showing their true abusive colors with their spouse. Or how amazing it is that behavior changes when a policeman approaches our divers side window and announces he saw us running a red light. When we know someone has seen us doing something inappropriate or against the law, we suddenly plead for mercy or make an argument we were misunderstood. We hate being caught!

What many forget to realize is, you could remove every camera set up across the world and we are still being "surveilled"! The Psalmist David said it so well, "Where can I go from thy Spirit? Or where shall I flee from the presence?" (Psalm 139:7). God is omniscient. He sees and knows everything. Even the darkness does not keep Him from seeing (Psalm 139:11-12). God may reside in heaven but His Spirit is everywhere, "If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in hell, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn if I settle on the far side of the sea ..." (Psalm 139:8-9). Don't misunderstand, God is not IN hell, He can see into hell. He observes all. Nothing is hidden from His presence or knowledge. A little boy once said after being offered a dime if he could tell a certain man where God was. The boy answered, "Mister, I'll give you a dollar if you tell me where He ain't!"

The truth is, we sometimes forget that the Lord is watching all the time. Proverbs 15:3 states, "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good." He watches every step we take and He sees through every flimsy excuse offered in attempting to justify any unfaithfulness. There’s an all-seeing Eye watching all of us — Someone to whom our whole soul is laid bare (Hebrews 4:13; Psalm 90:8). God is the only being who can be present in all places simultaneously without ever-thinning out. He is present in the human mind through a part of Himself -His Spirit as a gift to man. Thus, He is conscious personally of you, He knows you intimately, He is aware of your ups and downs, your variant moods, your likes and dislikes, your intimate thoughts. God resides in that part of your mind where the citadel of your inner thinking takes place. The place where no one else can enter. His work in you is constant. His occupation in you has to do with your future life if you choose to faithfully follow Him. He is busy duplicating a spiritual counterpart of you, your real self, your evolving immortal soul FROM GLORY TO GLORY (2 Corinthians 3:18). Cooperate with Him. His wish is for you is to survive natural death. Sordid thoughts, selfish thoughts, and bad actions torture a Divine entity in you Whose purpose is to make you more than what you currently are.
Until next time,


Why Can Some People Understand the Bible But Others Cannot?

Today there is a sense that God's Word is lost and irrelevant. Some people believe it is ineffective because in their minds it was written long ago by "mortal men" and therefore they reject it. My question is, if you believe this, then what makes the Word of God effective in some people's lives and not others? How is it that it changes some lives but others are unmoved by it? If you take into consideration that people put aside any of God's instruction, that instruction actually becomes of no effect to that person. That person is in the same category of the Jewish leaders in Christ's day: "For the heart of this people has grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes have they closed unless they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears unless they should understand with their heart and turn so that I would heal them" (Matthew 13:15). The Word of God (the Bible) is effectively "lost" to that person! Or in another sense, it is "lost" to the world. Notice the accountability in the above scripture? Unless THEY. THEIR eyes. THEIR ears. THEY should. THEY have closed. Unless THEY turn. So many are hardened against God and are against anything to do with God, they close THEIR eyes and THEIR ears. This indifference and rebellion are easily seen in this country. Take for instance the battle over the Ten Commandments to remain in institutions, or the effort to remove the motto "In God We Trust" from everything in the public eye. Anything related to God has become offensive.

It is these same people who ridicule God's Word. They have lost touch with the reality that God is their creator whether they acknowledge it or not. They are like the Gentiles spoken of in Paul's letter to the Roman Christians, [and they] "changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man - and birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things. Who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen" (Romans 1:23; Romans 1:25). There is a lot there , but that's for another day! They are also like the hardened soil in Matthew's Parable of the Sower, "When anyone hears the word of the Kingdom and doesn't understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away that which was sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside" (Matthew 13:19). But notice, even though hearing they don't understand (scriptures) Satan comes to snatch away that which was SOWN IN HIS HEART! So, though a man doesn't understand, God's Word WAS "deposited" in his heart! However, if there is no interest, no consideration, no conviction, if a person isn't moved to respond or change by what they hear, that WORD IS EFFECTIVELY LOST to that person! You could say The Word of God is "hidden" from their minds, "Whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe unless the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them (2 Corinthians 4:4).

How terrible that some just can’t find the truths in God’s Word because it's there for all to understand.
There is another sense that comes to mind. Think of the thousands of dusty Bibles lying on coffee tables or shelves that are never opened. In this case, the “Book” is in plain view, but it is never opened. The “Book” might as well be lost as was the book of the Law in Josiah’s day. If it is never read, never consumed in the minds of people, in essence, it's "lost." But think of this point: In Josiah’s day, it was lost in the Temple. That’s like being lost in our church buildings today! Just suppose the Word is preached at every appointed time during the assembly of God’s people. If one is not there to hear, then to them the words spoken are lost. If one is present but will not heed the instruction, the effect of the word is “lost” on that person too. Same thing! For some, the Word goes in one ear and out the other.

Those who HEAR the Word of God, who do not ridicule it, but who willfully open their eyes and open their ears to believe the Word in faith, TURN TO ACT ON IT in obedience. These will bring forth "fruits" that bear witness that the Word "planted," took root, and is living in them. These are the same people spoken of in the Parable of the Sower who accept God's Word (the Seed) and produce visible characteristics (fruits) proving they have indeed turned from their old ways (Matthew 13:8). These are also those who love to share what they have heard (Matthew 22:9-10, Acts 10:24). We all have the responsibility to live by His instructions (Ecclesiastes 12:13; 1 John 3: 23-24). Some will hear, but unfortunately, some will refuse to hear. Some will turn from their sins. Some will not. Some have their prayers answered. Others will not; ever. Some understand the scriptures as written. Some never will. Those who believe and follow will understand because God will reveal His Word as they are able to receive it. Others will ridicule the Word, tell you it was written by men, reject it at every turn, and will never hear from God or have their requests considered.

Today I pray that if you hear the Word of God you act on it knowing IT WAS PLANTED IN YOUR HEART! If you've heard it or read it, it's there. Think of that! It's actually inside you. You have a chance to meditate on it, consider it, and let it guide and change you into the person God has always intended you to be. Don't sit on it for the devil to come to snatch it away. The longer you wait, the easier Satan's attempt will be to make you doubt it, question its validity, to encourage you to remain lazy, or ignore it altogether! We often escape the discipline we are due because of God’s kindness. Nevertheless, we walk on thin ice when we think we can presume upon His kindness and patience. After all, the Lord’s patience toward sinners will run out eventually (Romans 2:4–5). Hearing and seeing are chances God is giving you to hear and understand His Word. Don't put aside God's instruction that it becomes of none effect! Open your eyes to see, open your ears to hear so that you turn and walk after the Lord.

Until next time,


Why Do Things Go Wrong?

I don't know about you, but it seems sometimes problems seem to come one right after another. You wake up in the morning and your car won’t start. This unfortunate event makes you late for work, your boss chews you out, and your whole day is ruined. On top of that, you find out that your car repairs will take 3 weeks to complete and to improvise will require you to take a city bus to work which in turn means having to get up at least 30 minutes earlier each morning. If all that was not aggravating enough, you then learn that sadly, a member of your family has been diagnosed with cancer! During times like these, we are prone to ask, “Why me, Lord?” “Haven’t I been living faithfully for you?”
I admit I have asked God this question more than once. Why do good people have to suffer bad things in their lives? It also seems that the righteous suffer while the wicked seem to prosper. They never seem to get punished! Has anyone else noticed that? You will be confused, perhaps even doubt God at some point, unless you look into scriptures that will give clarity to why things seem to go wrong with the very people who seem to live right. So let's do that.

Job saw this very thing during his time of affliction (refer to Job 21:7-15). I want to point out three biblical reasons why God allows good people to suffer that will hopefully shed light on those who question why it seems good people suffer while evil people seem to 'get away with murder.'
#1. To Establish FAITH
Suffering can and often does cause one who is not a Christian to recognize his great need for God. If one is to be saved, he must first know that he needs salvation. Think about it ... One who believes he is standing on dry land will not take hold of a life preserver even though he is truly drowning in the sea! Trials help to establish faith by causing us to see our condition before God (Luke 15:11-17). King Davis said, “Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now have I kept thy word …. It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I may learn thy statutes” (Psalm 119:67, 71). God allows some to suffer in order to establish faith in Him. It seems that sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we realize how far we've fallen. It is in those times we awaken and realize the only direction we have to take is up, and it is then we repent and change.
#2. To Restore Faith
Sometimes a child of God goes astray and needs to be corrected and restored to the right path. As difficult as it may be to admit, there are many Christians who can relate to this. God doesn’t want to see any of His children fall away, so He chastens those who do (Hebrews 12:6-11). God did so with Israel as David wrote, “When He slew them, then they sought Him; And they returned and sought earnestly for God” (Psalm 78:34-NKJV) and honestly, He does so with His Church today. “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent" (Revelation 3:19). When suffering, we should examine our own lives to determine if we are the recipient of divine chastisement (Psalm 119:75). Trials are designed to make us look inward at ourselves and upward to God (1 Peter 1:3-9) and that's a good thing!
#3. To Perfect Faith
For the faithful Christian, trials serve to mature and perfect the faith that is already present. With each trial we face successfully, there is growth. As Paul wrote, “And not only that but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance character; and character hope” (Romans 5:3-4- NKJV). With spiritual growth, comes the ability to better handle problems in the future. That's what we call learning from our mistakes. This is why James said, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience” (James 1:2-3). We should view our trials as God’s vehicle to perfect our faith and not as a punishment.

The Bible assures us that God works out all things for good to those who love Him (Romans 8:28). We can rejoice with assurance knowing, no matter what trial or problems come our way, God is going to make it work out for our best! We don't know everything that God does, but we can be certain that He is working to help us with our trials and to save as many souls as possible (2 Peter 3:9). If we have to suffer along the way, we shouldn't lose heart, because God is preparing us for eternity (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)- LOOK THAT ONE UP! Remember, He's not only the author of our faith but the finisher (Hebrews 12:2)! Everyone will occupy eternity in one place or the other (Matthew 23: 41, 46). How we respond to God will determine our destination! How are you responding? One last thought from the Apostle Paul, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). Hopefully the scriptures I've listed will not only encourage you when you face numerous trials but will help you understand why we sometimes face them.
Until next time,


What Is "IT" ??

It seems all of humanity has experienced a restless heart at one time or another. There is something in us that is never really satisfied, never content. We search for this, we search for that, we want more … a nicer house, a newer car, the most recent cell phone, the newest smartwatch, etc. yet, even when we get all these things we still want more. More of what? It seems to be a real mystery. What is "it?"
Solomon was of the same mindset and he revealed to us his frustrations in the book of Solomon. Solomon had everything in life, yet he realized he had “nothing.” At least anything that really made a difference. Because Solomon was king, he could try everything in life his heart desired. And after having searched the same places we search: intellectual pursuits, pleasure, social achievements, material goods and so on, he concluded that there was no real satisfaction to be found in any of them. Look at his words:
Ecclesiastes 1:12-15(KJV), "I, the Preacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith. I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered."
Solomon is telling us, in short, that through a heartfelt search through wisdom he discovered that everything here on earth is vanity, an aggravation, an annoyance of the spirit. Nothing here, on our own, by our own power, intellect, intention, or device can be made right within ourselves. Nothing. He concluded that which is lacking is so numerous it is beyond mans' ability, potential, or capability to change it and adds, "Vanity vanity, all is vanity." Solomon begins an experiment by revealing his conclusion first; wisdom is meaningless (“under the sun“). He then continues by commenting on what may be observed in nature. Finally, he determines that all of us are restless and unsatisfied. But he attributes this to God. In other words, God has put within man a restless spirit (so to speak). Solomon describes it as a heavy burden or "sore travail" (KJV). Why? Why would God place this restlessness within man? There is a reason. It is to steer us to what is really important but unfortunately, with this restlessness, most seek human pleasures and not God's wisdom.

The “heavy burden” Solomon speaks of is man’s searching for happiness BUT WITHOUT GOD! It is an inevitable result of living without God as the focus of one’s life. It was true for Solomon, and it is true for us. Everything we do is pointless in itself. In the end, all our effort, all our gains, all our accomplishments fade away. They go chasing after the wind. Deep inside we know there is more, but we cannot grasp it. Somehow the “it” evades us. THAT "it" is life without God! Some people try and fill that gap, that nagging emptiness with careers, affairs, pleasures, drinking, narcotics, stimulants, or being idolized and set on a pedestal. Solomon also adds; “what is crooked cannot be straightened.” There are many things we cannot change. Life has many flaws, and it always will …. That’s the bad news. Even the best things in life have defects. The good news is that they do not have to affect our inner joy, the place from which true contentment resides when you are connected with God and have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

External circumstances do not make or break us, it is HOW we handle them that does. Remember, God is on our side (Romans 8:28-33). He will never leave us or forsake us. 2 Corinthians 4:18 tells us, "What is seen is temporary. What is unseen is eternal." Our lives here are but a fleeting moment. It passes like a mist. It can be compared to a single breath or the wind that passes by. It vanishes like a vapor. On your death bed, you'll ask, "what was it for ... all the learning, all the pleasures?" Matthew 6: 19-20 instructs the wise, "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Think about it. Most of us work all our lives to attain things in an attempt to fill a need we cannot even identify (the "it"), and no matter how much we attain, gain, gather, or earn, after our passing it is all laid out in a garage sale for it to become someone else's endless search to be satisfied.

Is there an emptiness inside you? Have you burned through different careers, been engaged in a variety of relationships, sought to conquer a particular sport, or increase your talent in some field? Have you acquired materials goods to your satisfaction or achieved what others still strive for? Is your basket full yet you feel that nagging "it" inside? It's okay to achieve, to gain, to possess the blessings and fruitfulness we find on this earth, but your perspective about those things determine and reveals where your true desires the temporary or in the eternal. True contentment here on earth, regardless of how much you have, achieved, or gained, will only come when you invest in your soul. "I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit." The one thing so many people fail to invest in is their soul and that is the most important investment a person can make because the benefits far outweigh accomplishments derived from material goods or personal gains. I wish everyone would realize that if you put your soul before anything else and invested in it and not the noise of the world, true contentment will be yours now but more importantly for eternity!
Until next time,