

Why Is That Chicken Up There?

During one Christmas season many winters ago, I took a road trip with a friend. We were going to visit her mother who lived out-of-state and planned to stay there for a couple of days. We also had gifts with us to be placed under the holiday tree. There was one thing I distinctly remember about that visit. My friends' mother had a typical Christmas tree tucked in the corner by a fireplace. It looked like any other decorated tree with lights, garland, ornaments, and tree bulbs but there was no angel at the top. Now I realize not everyone tops their tree with an angel. Some use bows, stars, snowmen, or even a stuffed toy. But a chicken? Yes, atop that beautiful Christmas tree stood an 18" chicken! You can imagine how puzzled I was to see a chicken. I stared at that thing for hours holding my tongue just itching to say something. Curiosity finally got the best of me so I leaned over to my friend and asked, "Why is there a chicken up there?" The answer came, "Oh, we've always done it that way." "BUT WHY," I retorted. My friend looked at her Mom. "Mom? Why do we put a chicken on top of the tree?" "I don't know," she replied. That's the way mamma always did it." Grandma just happened to be in a back bedroom so my friend got up and I heard her asking, "Grandma, why does Mom put a chicken on top of the Christmas tree??" Grandma uttered, "Oh, we've always done it that way." Perplexed, my friend decided to call her great-grandmother at the nursing home. "Gran-ma-ma, why did you always put a chicken at the top of your Christmas trees?" Gran-ma-ma responded, "Child, we never had a star."

If you consider the religious world today in the same sense, many follow the traditions and doctrines of men they grew up with without question or investigation. I mean no disrespect when I say, worshipping a cow (because that's how you were raised) is just as questionable as the reason mom and grandma used a chicken at the top of their Christmas tree. Why don't people ask questions? "Can the blind lead the blind? Won't they both fall into the ditch?" asks Luke 6:39. Without investigation, how do you know your "beliefs" are true? Without questioning your traditions or doctrines you risk far more serious consequences than ever placing a silly chicken atop a Christmas tree (2 John 1:6-11). Read those aforementioned verses today, then question your traditions. Why not? Paul WARNS us in Colossians 2:8, "Beware lest any man spoils you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, AND NOT AFTER CHRIST." (emphasis mine).

The world is changing. Things are drifting. Even younger Christians are increasingly bringing in new ideas and concepts of "Christianity." They are coming of age in more diverse ways leading to an openness to racial and religious groups as well as LGBTQ and social justice issues in ways that older evangelicals strenuously opposed. We need to make certain that any religious teaching, idea, concept, or social diversity issue we are receiving coincides with the teaching of the inspired Word of God. Paul said this of the Jews in Acts 17:11, "These were nobler than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." If you are following traditions or doctrines outside of the Word of God (Bible) you need to search the scripture which will verify if your belief system is in line with what God has said ... "whether those things are so." I say this because, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible says clearly we are to work out our own salvation (Philippians 2:12). That does not mean we EARN IT by doing great, good, or wonderful things (Ephesians 2:8-9), that isn't what Paul meant. It is not "work towards acquiring your salvation" because salvation is a free gift from God for those who accept His gift. Nor did Paul mean "work at your salvation", because no good thing YOU do can erase your sin debt! It is none of those things. We should be looking into the Word of God... test it, try it, read it, and study it because it teaches, instructs, guides and changes us because it is truly the inspired Word of God Himself. Search the Bible to see if what I say is true. Don't blindly believe what you were told as a child and blindly follow the same religion or doctrine your parents did if that foundation is not based on Jesus Christ. (2 Timothy 2:15). Do you have a particular belief based solely on family tradition because "we've always done it that way"? Have you ever questioned or investigated why you do it that way? It's time to think about!
Until next time,


  1. I happened to be talking to someone today about this very topic...the doctrines and traditions of 'man'. They mean little when they do not line up with God's Word. So many denominations want you to sign on the dotted line, agreeing to the man-made doctrine of their churches! When our 2nd son was born, we were attending a large denominational church. We wanted to dedicate him to the Lord as we had our first son, in another church we had been attending when he was born. We were not 'members' of this church, just what they called 'adherents' because we did not agree with some of the things they wanted from all members. They would not agree to dedicate our son at the church...but one of the Pastors did it at the house of our close friends. Whaaat?!! All they did was change the venue! It didn't even make sense but we liked that it was in a more intimate setting. Why wouldn't they do it at church on Sunday morning?! Because it was a man-made doctrine of the denomination and it had always been done that way, no exceptions!! It was so silly to us. If they had completely refused, it would have made more sense! I mean no disrespect to the Pastors who were serving at the time, 30 yrs ago actually, and really liked the one who came to our friends' home. Just one story from our lives!! God's Word encourages us to pursue wisdom and I would say, common sense!
    Thanks, Pat!

    1. You're welcome. Many churches that claim to follow Christ are falling away from that which the apostles established based on the teachings of Jesus. It sad to see for the sake of keeping large attendance numbers, pastors are appeasing restless congregations that desire more sermons which tickle the ears. It seems man-made rules are added and removed according to what people want to hear. If a person isn't a "member" of a church (this isn't with all churches, only some) the love we were taught by Jesus to have for a fellow brother goes right out the window! Your experience is a perfect example, Diane!

  2. Wow, Diane. That doesn't make one iota of sense to me either! I have not read anywhere in God's Word …"repent and be baptized, but only if you've signed on the dotted line and have a membership here." I have another similar example from my own life I'd like to share. In my early 20's I met a lady through a Bible study class I attended in a private home. She was married with six children. Her husband was an alcoholic who worked very little and never kept a job. Through the course of a lengthy conversation I realize she was in dire need of assistance. I contacted elders of the church I attended at the time to see if I could arrange getting some groceries for the family. My church happened to have a food pantry, as well as a warehouse of clothes and furniture to help "the poor." Well, that's what I thought. The first question posed to me was, "Is this family a member of our church?" WHAT??!! What difference did that make. Poor is poor, religion doesn't matter here. To make a long story short, I was denied any assistance UNTIL OR UNLESS the family became members of the congregation. Needless to say, I worked around a few financial commitments of my own to get the family groceries and pay a past due utility bill. Eventually, I also left that church because of their 'rules.' The Bible says, "Whoever feeds the poor lends to the Lord." Nowhere does scripture say there is an exception that the poor person must be the member of your church or any church for that matter. Careless rules, foolish traditions, doctrines of men never draw souls to God, they chase them away. If we are to "love your enemy" according to Christ, how much more the needy and poor. Thanks for sharing your experience with us, Diane.

  3. i had to chuckle at this one, not the meat of the blog but what you saw! i bet that was an eye-opener! i agree 100% about people following the traditions, beliefs, or religion their parents brought them up in blindly follow along w/o ever questioning what they follow. christianity is the same way though. not all declarations of "christianity" is true christianity! that's true especially today as the church is accepting anti-biblical bologna! no matter what spiritual belief you were raised to believe, everyone needs to search for themselves what truth is. no one will ever get to heaven without jesus Christ as their mediator. being good, attending church w/a perfect record, sacrificing animals, offering incense, being celibate your entire life, chanting, etc. will never get you there. jesus said, "i am the way, the truth, and the life. no one reaches the father except by me." and scriptures says jesus was the word made flesh! the bible people is that word! without jesus, you are dying in your sins. it is the bible, the revelation of jesus Christ that reveals the truth. my wife and i want to thank you again pat.
