

"Colonoscopies and Spiritual Cleansing"

Before my employment as an office manager for a psychiatrist, I had both medical training, schooling, and employment in the field of gastroenterology. That simply means I worked in a branch of the medical field that deals with healing disorders of the esophagus, stomach, colon, and rectum. As such, I participated in the procedure rooms and observed some rather unpleasant things. If you think preparing for a colonoscopy is unpleasant, you should try viewing one. Before a colonoscopy, the patient is sedated. When I had one years ago, I was administered a medication before the procedure called versed. Versed is a "conscious sedation" meant to relax and block pain. During a routine colonoscopy the physician looks for abnormalities such as polyps (growths) on the walls of the colon that can become cancerous if left untreated. Colonoscopies are considered preventative care. There are all kinds of tests and preventative care for our physical bodies, but are there preventative cares for our spiritual health? Is there a procedure that would delve into our spirits to pick out unnoticeable issues that, if left alone, would grow into deadly problems in the years ahead? Is there some kind of spiritual surgery that could excise a "root of bitterness" or uncontrolled anger, lust or pride before it "springs up causing trouble and defiling many" (Hebrews 12: 15).

Good news. The answer is yes! There is a spiritual procedure I like to call a spiritoscopy (pronounced spirit-os'-copee). I simply refer to it as God's Word! Hebrews 4:12-13 says, "The Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from His sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account." That's some scalpel! When we submit ourselves in obedience to the Word of God, whether by reading it, through a minister who preaches it, or by others who teach it - that living and active Word cuts into us, laying our thoughts bare, exposing us and convicting us if something isn't right such as a root of bitterness, uncontrolled anger, lust, pride, etc. I allow myself a "spiritoscopy" often by going to the Word and asking God to show me if there is "any grievous way in me" (Psalm 139:24). I desire His piercing work so that any offense against Him may be excised from me through prayer and forgiveness. The Word of God not only heals but can be used as preventative care. In a spiritual sense God frequently uses "nurses and assistants" (if you will) to wield His "scope" searching the thoughts and intents of our hearts. These "preventative care assistants" are those in the Church body around you as teachers, preachers and evangelists who show you the Word, share the Word, preach the Word, teach the Word then used to convict and correct the deadly things that can spring up to trouble and defile you (Hebrews 12: 15).

Paul tells us, "Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. (Hebrews 3: 12-13). I find it interesting that God's Word describes sin as something that hardens the heart putting us in grave spiritual danger. Why? Because in the physical sense a real tumor is generally harmless until it hardens into a hard mass which then puts us in grave physical danger. Did you notice in the scripture I just mentioned that the warning from Paul is plural? His message is to all of us (brethren). All of us are to take care of our spirits. We are to search ourselves, making sure there is no spiritual growth such as an evil unbelieving heart or grievous root growing in any of us. We are to help each other see what we cannot see for ourselves. We are to help, guide, and assist to excise those issues when they arise and do so without a judgment. At the same time we are to exhort, encourage, comfort, and stand alongside one another so that we can help each other to grow in faith. In this way, sin won't deceive us or harden our hearts against God and against one another. This is why I write these blogs. I want us to learn, grow, mature, and change through what we learn from Gods Word! I want our lamps to be burning and filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit, shinning brightly when Jesus returns. Each blog is intended to be like a spiritual screening, where you can exam yourselves to determine if you need to schedule an appointment for prayer and get yourself under the Great Physicians' hand so that His Word can heal and restore you to spiritual health. When was your last spiritoscopy? It isn't always pleasant, sometimes it's even bothersome to hear you have a sin issue, but spiritoscopies can help protect a neglected soul from a deadly spiritual illness that can metastasize. Which by the way is much worse than any disorder of the physical body! Just as colon disease is treatable if caught in a timely manner, all spiritual illness is correctable if dealt with early and not allowed to take root. If you let it go, if you continue to neglect to apply the Word of God, your sin, as a disease, will dig so deep you become entangled in all it's roots causing you to slowly fall away from your original faith. Don't let that happen! Exam yourself daily. Purge out any weakness or any sin by calling on our Great Physician to cleanse, heal, forgive and restore you. And He will!
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Another great message! The Word says that in the latter days that there will be those who will fall away from their faith. The only way to stay safely away from this is to do what you have described! Never forgetting that He is always available in His great mercy and grace to forgive!!
    Blessings, Pat!
