

Fools Hate Knowledge

Fools hate knowledge. Now, before you think I made a rude comment by calling someone a fool, you must know that those are not my words. Those words were quoted directly from God's Word and stated in Proverbs 1:22. In fact, The Word has a lot to say about a "fool." Here are some:
A fool utters all his mind.
A fool has no delight in understanding.
A fool despises wisdom and knowledge.
A fool has anger resting in his bosom.
A fool will perish.

According to The Word of God then, I have seen a lot of fools. You probably have as well. Two of the truths above that really stand out to me are, a fool DESPISES WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE, and a fool WILL PERISH. It is becoming rare these days to run across someone that is truly hungry for the knowledge of God. People are more than willing to read an instruction booklet learning how to operate their smartphones, I-pad's, or digital TV's, but are not willing to read the Bible, much less to even open it! They have no desire to know or attain the wisdom necessary to guide their souls. There is no interest to learn prudence, discernment, or common sense, etc. God said, "fools hate knowledge." In fact, the Bible goes a step further. Read this closely and let it sink in, "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God" (1 Corinthians 1:18). Break it down. Fools hate knowledge and hearing God's Word preached. To them it is foolishness, a joke. But these are they THAT WILL perish according to the Proverbs. Hmm. What about you? Are you uninterested in the Bible? Have you called it lame, stupid, or boring? Does it take real effort on your part to open it, read, or dedicate any quality time to it? Have you no desire to know what God has spoken about the end of days, the times in which we live, his signs in the sun, moon, and stars? Because I have to tell you, it's all there (and more). Maybe you would want to know the Bible if you did not perceive it as something too deep to understand? Can it even be understood? Of course, it can! Have you noticed that some people face no challenge understanding and following the scriptures, while others cannot understand the simplest concept like....we are lost without Christ. Why? Does our inability to understand God's Word come down to a flaw with how the Bible was written or a problem with us? If we are honest with ourselves, the answer is, us. Proverbs 1:23 says, "TURN you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you" KJV. There is a key to knowing and understanding God's Word.

The key is, God offers reproof (correction) through His Word. You'll often see the same meaning throughout the Bible as rebuke or reprimand. It simply means correction. God's "reproof" is intended to make you realize you are required to "turn" (from your former ways) and not to remain in them. For every Christian and those who desire to know the Bible, His Word is not meant to punish us, but to lead, guide, direct, and correct. The same thing was true when you were living in your parent's home. They had certain rules they wanted you to be aware of and follow. Their rules were not intended to spoil your fun or make your life miserable, they were rules carefully calculated to guide you to the correct path you needed, which in turn would give you a solid foundation on which to stand as you went out into the world. The foundation they laid would be the very rock that would keep you grounded as you faced the storms of life. Spiritually in the same sense, God's Word is the Christian's guide throughout their lifetime ... the spiritual "parental hand" if you will, meant to guide, shape, and correct through its teachings. Again, God's reproof is intended to unfold to us how we can turn from our ways through the knowledge and power of His Holy Spirit. To begin to know and acquire anything from God will involve you turning. You will not succeed through your own merit, effort, potential, skill, or capability. Only God can do that. When you make the decision you're ready to change and come to Him with your heart asking forgiveness, seeking His Word, it is then He will reveal His knowledge to you and scriptures can be understood

Picture parenting a six-year-old. Do you give them want they want if they will not listen to your instructions? Or in a spiritual sense, do you really expect to get anything from God (knowledge, answers to prayer, favor, etc.) if you rebel and refuse to read what He has to say? How can you know what He says if you ignore what is written in His Word? To "turn" implies a correction in your course and action. It definitely involves you changing, however, it is a continual, gradual, process in life with the help of the Holy Spirit. God rarely gives us much information at one time. You didn't expound the working of the universe with your three-year-old! Their learning, understanding, and obeying your instructions was gradual. Once they understood what was expected, they understood and began adapting their behavior accordingly.
In my own personal journey, I have had to make many course corrections as I continued and still continue my walk with God. The farther I go, and the longer I have listened and changed with God's continual help, the more UNDERSTANDABLE KNOWLEDGE God has opened up to me. Looking back at the things I could not understand when reading The Word years ago, seem like the simplest things now! It's almost embarrassing. I am continually amazed at how easy His Word really is to understand if you desire to know it, James 1:5 "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him." IF ANYONE LACKS KNOWLEDGE OF THE SCRIPTURES OR ANY PARABLE JESUS SPOKE, ASK GOD TO REVEAL WHAT IT MEANS. HE GIVES ABUNDANTLY TO ALL WHO ASK OF HIM. THERE IS NO NEED TO FEEL SHAME OR CONDEMNATION. ASK! HE WILL ANSWER.

"He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding" (Proverbs 15:32). If you will go back and notice, Proverbs 1:23 ends with God making known His Word to us AFTER we turn. The middle part of the verse says if we turn, then God will POUR (not trickle, not sprinkle) but POUR out His Spirit upon us! And it is this "spirit," HIS SPIRIT, that reveals the deep things of His Word. We can clearly see and understand that in order to know God's Word it will take the Spirit of God to reveal it to us. From the verses listed below I have learned several spiritual truths. I will list 10. This is what I learned from Proverbs 1:22-23.
1) The Bible is not simple to the carnally minded!
2) The simple do not understand the Bible!
3) Fools do not want to learn the Bible!
4) God offers all of us reproof!
5) We must turn and make changes in order to Learn!
6) If we make an effort to change, God will pour out His Spirit upon us!
7) The Bible contains hidden and concealed information!
8) God will make known secret things to those who are actively searching for Truth.
9) Only with God's Help will we know and understand God's Word!
10) Understanding the Word of God is conditional! (Come, repent, seek, find)

Not only is there knowledge and wisdom to be discovered in The Word, but discernment! YOU NEED DISCERNMENT. What is discernment? It is the process of making careful distinctions in our thinking about truth. Failure to distinguish between truth and error leaves the Christian subject to all manner of false teaching. False teaching then leads to an unbiblical mindset, which results in unfruitful and disobedient living. Without discernment, we are at risk of being "tossed to and fro and carried away by every wind of doctrine" according to Ephesians 4:14. We must be careful about what we hear even in our present-day churches for many are introducing damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that paid for their souls by His death on a cross (2 Peter 2:1). Other examples for your learning can be found in 2 Timothy 4:3-4; 1 John 4:1; 1 Timothy 6:3-5; 2 Corinthian 11:13-15; 2 Timothy 3:5; 1 John 4:1-6; Matthew 7:15.
I do hope Christians and non-Christians alike acknowledge and understand that we need spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and discernment which comes only through the Word of God alone. Many Christians need to check their egos and become open to God's correction and reproof. Being chastised is not easy for anyone. Even admitting you were wrong in believing what you may have been taught by a wayward preacher will certainly be another challenge. What is the message here? Don't be a fool.
Until next time,


  1. Oh, I can think of many who fall into the categories you first mentioned! Saying anything they feel like saying, regardless; turning away from wisdom and knowledge and full of anger! That anger keeping them fooled into thinking everything they have or do is because of their own efforts and work! Totally deceived! God's Word is incredibly and absolutely life changing! And it continues day after day as we ask Him for guidance and understanding. Excellent blog, Pat!

  2. I agree, Diane, God's Word is incredibly and absolutely life changing! But cannot people experience that unless they read it. Too many people rely on a preacher's words or the opinion of a friend without ever trying those words to see if they biblically line up. We really cannot know what is there unless we seek it ourselves. If we hunger and thirst after righteousness we shall be filled according to Matthew 5:6. Too, people do not realize that once they begin reading, the Holy Spirit begins working in them to not only open up the scriptures to understand them, but begins to change them in a way that makes obedience doable as sin begins losing its appeal. I truly have no desire to do the things I use to do that was out of alignment with God's Word and what He's always wanted from me. Amen?
