

Our House Is Collapsing


Our house is collapsing. Why is our nation in such a miserable condition? Are we under God’s judgment and curse? Something is going on in America and may I add other nations as well. It should be obvious to any Bible believer. Consider all the political unrest of late. Foolish leaders who pursue policies guaranteed to destroy our nation. We seem to be cursed with judges who are passionate about casting aside the very Constitution they vowed to uphold in favor of modern opinions. They push policies guaranteed to weaken commerce and destroy the value of our currency. We have dealt with the abuse of our military by the former commander in chief himself who held that office for 8 years. We are cursed with a mainstream media that hates the truth and rejoices in lies, that is devoted to brazen propaganda in the name of fair reporting. We are cursed with a national education system designed to produce moral rebels and spiritual fools. We are cursed with an entertainment industry fervently devoted to everything abominable in God’s eyes. We are cursed with a breath-taking loss of freedom, with the government snooping into every nook and cranny of our lives and businesses. Rebellion, riots, and lawlessness. And I haven't even mentioned droughts, floods, tornados, multi-billion-dollar mega-storms, rampant disease, dead sea life washing ashore, locust swarms, dead birds falling from the sky, forest fires, earthquakes, the ground opening up and swallowing people and property! What has happened when that which is good becomes evil and that which is evil becomes good (Ephesians 5:20).

The blame clearly lies not with the sinner, but with the compromising, professing Christians and the pastors and leadership of most of the churches in this nation that profess the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The reason for our nation’s miserable condition is that there is no fear of God in the lives of many professing Christians who are dozing under a comfortable blanket of indifference. This is because there are not many “fear of God and hellfire” sermons from most of the pulpits in this nation today. The blame lies with softball, tickle your ears, don't offend anyone, self-lifting sermons by pastors that are compromisers and apostates, who fear the people more than they fear God and who care more about their individual bottom line than about the truth. Yes, our nation, our churches, and our Christian brothers and sisters are in serious trouble! God said IF MY PEOPLE (not sinners, not unbelievers, not agnostics, not the religious) which are called by My Name will:
1) Humble themselves
2) Pray
3) Seek My face
4) Turn from their wicked ways...
THEN, God says, He will hear from heaven and heal our land. Not before and not until!

The only effective solution to our nation’s ills is to understand that the "curses" are the symptoms, and healing does not come by focusing on symptoms (though it is right and necessary to reprove the works of darkness - Ephesians 5:11). The fundamental element is the spiritual compromise and apostasy of professing Christians and churches that name the name of Jesus Christ, particularly here in America which is a nation filled with churches and professing Christians. I hate to say it but passionate politicking on the part of Bible believers and the joining hands with pagans and heretics to “save America”; shows a lack of wisdom and spiritual understanding.
There are many things we can do to help America or any other nation in which we find ourselves as pilgrims in this world, but carnal politicking and yoking together with heretics and unbelievers in blatant disobedience to God’s Word (Romans 16:17; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18) and it is not the answer.
So, what can we do as Christians to help turn this nation around?”  It is not far from each one of us who names the name of Christ in truth. Let us humble ourselves before our Lord and Savior, repent of our lukewarm spiritual lives and seek the Lord with all our hearts, souls, and minds and then be busy about His work of proclaiming the Gospel of Christ! We need to keep in the forefront of our minds that there truly is a hell and that most of the people in this nation–and many that we know–will be going there for an eternity of torment in its unquenched flames! So many professing Christians I know have put a giant pause on their relationship with God! They’ve advanced no farther than they had 1, 5, or 10 years ago. Stuck in the ditch of dormancy, many sleep on unaware because many in their “Christian” social circle live at the same mediocre level of discipleship. WAKE UP!!  God is calling His Church to arise, to humble ourselves, pray, seek Him, and turn from our ways of slumber and sleep, lukewarmness, indifference, and laziness!  We need to wake up out of inactivity, ruin, and obscurity!

It's really sad and frustrating to witness that many of us don’t seem to care what God wants to say! We have little spiritual appetite — many feel satisfied with their Pastor’s 45-minute message online last Sunday. They don’t have time to worship God, read the Bible, or pray because, well, you know—just because! They know they don’t have an acceptable excuse, so many don’t even make one anymore. It’s spiritual slumber, plain and simple. Unfortunately, it’s to their detriment. Since they don’t take quiet times with God, they walk in fear, doubt, and unbelief. Walking by faith is no longer their goal or reality. Our house is collapsing all around us. I'm urging the true followers of Jesus Christ to begin anew today. Go to your knees and ask God to forgive your indifference. Humble yourself before Him. Repent and turn from your sins. It is the only way our nation will be healed! Change and answer to prayer lie with you and me, not the world! 

Until He Comes,


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