

Grant Me Joy

Many times I've been asked how I can remain happy with life, or at least appear to be happy, while battling a physical disability that has no medical cure. The answer for me is simple. I have something beyond happiness. It's called joy. I'm not a psychiatrist so the explanation I'll be sharing is not based on any medical or mental health knowledge that I know of.  I'm not here to win a debate or argue if happiness and joy are the same thing, albeit, I don't think they are. I think they are different words with distinct different meanings. Am I happy? That depends. It depends on the circumstances around me.  Am I joyful? ALL THE TIME because my surroundings or circumstances no matter how bad cannot change or alter my joy. Confused? I'll explain. From my own personal account both as a Christian and a non-believer before I came to Christ, I experienced happiness whether I was saved or whether I was unsaved. However, I never had JOY as a non-believer even though I could experience happiness. Why? If you think about it, happiness is triggered by external things and is based on other people, places, thoughts, or events, etc.  In other words, you're either happy or not happy based on outside stimuli. Examples: We are happy when we feel loved by another person.  We are happy when we are on vacation. We are happy when we eat a favorite meal. We are happy knowing we bought a house, drive a new car, have a great job, etc. Joy on the other hand, is not based or measured by events, circumstances or emotions. Joy is internal. It doesn't ebb and wane. It comes from an unspeakable peace knowing who you are IN CHRIST, your secured relationship with God, and knowing your place with Him.  "Joy is a fruit of the Spirit" (Galatians 5:22-23).  It's given by God and cultivated internally, not because of external stimuli. Joy remains even when happiness turns to sadness.  So many people have never found joy, and many of us have lost touch with joy not knowing how to cultivate it any more. Unfortunately, people will resort to alcohol, drugs, addictive foods, anything that for a fleeting moment brings some kind of stimuli to make them feel happy.

Most people want to feel happy.  I do!  Happiness is a goal of all humans.  I want to feel loved, enjoy a pet, go places, experience things or hobbies that make me happy. The truth is, the Bible never promises happiness.  Did you know that? However, it does promise joy. Again, there is a difference. Think about this statement and repeat it if you have to: You can have joy without happiness but you can't really be happy without joy; at least lasting happiness! This should hit home with anyone who is a Christian! It's easy to be happy when all is well: your health is good, you're financially secure, you get along with everyone, you're eating healthy, your body is in good shape, you are maintaining your looks for you age, etc. but then trouble comes in one or more of these areas and what happens to the "happiness?" It's probably gone because happiness is dependent on outside circumstances!  Happiness ebbs and wanes.  Sometimes it's destroyed altogether. However. if you trust in Jesus you know you are secure in His hands (John 10:28-29) and therefore, YOU'VE STILL GOT JOY!  It's simple really. Happiness is based on "happenings," meaning if things happen to go well, you're happy, but if it happens that something bad occurs then you're happiness is likely gone. Not so with joy!  That's why in the midst of my 24/7 physical challenges I can and do remain joyful. "The joy of the Lord is my strength" (Nehemiah 8:10.)

Before Jesus went to Calvary He said something interesting, "These things have I spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full" (John 15:11) He also said, "You will have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you" (John 16:22). Jesus promised the disciples that their joy would be full (complete).  That is permanent, a permanent possession, not a fleeting moment like happiness can be.  This is one way I can distinguish the meaning between happiness and joy.  Too, notice that Jesus assures them "your sorrow will turn to joy."  A good example that helped me relate to sorrow turning to joy was when my mother-in-law (who was a born-again Christian) passed away from cancer.  I was heavy with sorrow knowing I could never see her again yet my heart was overfilled with joy KNOWING she was in the arms of Jesus, AND because I was without fear or doubt where her spirit went. Oh the joy knowing I WOULD SEE HER AGAIN!! You've probably heard this before ... I was crying and laughing at the same time. Even though I was filled with grief and sorrow knowing I could never talk to her again, my joy remained!  Hopefully I've helped you to see why I believe happiness and joy are not the same thing. You can actually be in a state of happiness and contentment one moment and then dread the very next.  And though many of us think joy and happiness have a lot in common, one thing they that they don't have in common is one is permanent while the other is fleeting. ONE IS FROM GOD and one is from us. One comes and goes but the other will remain.

As Christians, we have JOY because we are saved.  How amazing that we've been rescued from the wrath of sin and death. How joyful 'a thought! Paul rejoiced in this, "May the God of hope FILL YOU WITH ALL JOY and peace believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope" (Romans 15:13).  The joy I speak about doesn't depart when we shed tears.  It remains in our spirit to carry us through tough times: James 1:2, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds." There's no need to be upset or fall apart when our circumstances change because the JOY OF THE LORD WILL BE OUR STRENGTH!  Do you believe in God and really, wholeheartedly trust Jesus? Then you have nothing to be troubled about when life disappoints you, fails you, turns on you, or changes directions. You have nothing to fear or sorrow over continually because you have eternal life!  That alone should bring great joy, comfort, contentment, and yes happiness knowing you are safe and secure IN JESUS! "Weeping may tarry for the night, but JOY comes in the morning" (Psalm 30:5)  Happiness may be good, but joy is much better.  May God Grant you joy! 

Until He Comes,

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