

The Spirit Of Jezebel

Let's start with who is  Jezebel? Jezebel was the name of an ancient queen of Israel and notoriously one of the most evil women in the Bible. Jesus criticized the church at Thyatira in Revelation 2:18-29 for tolerating “that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess.” Jesus words were both then and now a revelation of what "spirit " Jezebel was and what animated her teaching. According to additional ancient text we know Jezebel was a power-hungry, violent, non-believing prostitute, and a teacher of the Baal religion. Normally we don't think of Jesus as intolerant but it is clear, that whatever He didn’t tolerate two thousand years ago, He still doesn’t tolerate today, “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 NKJV).

Unfortunately, "the spirit" of Jezebel is thriving and has reared its ugly head in America. Her spirit is a fierce energy that seeks to destroy those her oppose "her." Today we use the term JEZEBEL to describe an impudent, shameless, or morally unrestrained person which we see materializing in new areas of our society.

Within my own living memory, American society once paid lip service to Biblical standards of sexual behavior. Now, unmarried cohabitation and unwed motherhood have become acceptable. No one blinks an eye when people flaunt multiple sex partners. Virgins are a rare find. The appalling number of sexual predators that make national headlines shouldn’t surprise anyone. They practice recently accepted behaviors on a still-unacceptable scale. Homosexuality, once acknowledged as a sin, has sadly become a political cause. It has invented the term “homophobia” to imply that any opposition can only come from an irrational fear. No earlier society, no matter how tolerant of homosexuality, ever included homosexual relationships in its definition of marriage. Not even the ancient Canaanites thought of gender fluidity. But now males “identify” as female and females “identify” as male. Newspaper editorials advise high school girls to get used to the presence of a person with a penis in their locker rooms so as not to make the transgendered uncomfortable. Sin is becoming less and less forbidden in these areas. How did we wind up here? The 

Every cell in everyone’s body proclaims what sex they are. It's imprinted in our chromosomes! XY= boys and XX= GIRLS.

Compassion for the transgendered would require helping them to accept and celebrate their actual 'at birth' assigned sex. Anyone who dares say so anymore draws down progressive Jezebel hatred. We don’t burn babies alive at  pagan shrines anymore, no, we kill them before birth in abortion clinics! And woe to anyone who dares to interfere with a mother’s “right to choose.” The reality is, there is never A RIGHT to purposely take a life. Women are campaigning and arguing for the right to kill their own offspring with no consequences. Now we've arrived at the point where some politicians even refuse to allow protection to babies that survive the abortion process. They show a Jezebel anger at the idea that killing babies amounts to murder. Our own dictionaries refute their obstinate opinion! MURDER: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Notice the keyword unlawful? THIS IS WHY they want a law that makes premeditated abortion legal, it's so they can escape the guilt of being labeled or judged as a murderer as Jezebel was! God said no murderer will ever enter heaven (Galatians 5:21).

The spirit of Jezebel, apparent in the "woke" section of society is also attempting to destroy true masculinity in men by belittling and condemning them by what the 'wokes' definition of masculinity is. God never intended for men to have control over or oppress women as is "their" definition:  power-hungry, narcissistic, violent, aggressive, selfish, or angry.  These thing are not true masculinity though Jezebel's spirit, which has infiltrated today's society, would have you believe men fit this description and therefore need to be stripped of their roles as leaders and  basic men. Jezebel's spirit is ranting about masculinity as if it were inherently toxic. They seem more interested in punishing men. But the true meaning of "masculinity" carries with it courage be the head, to guide, to lead, to have strength, toughness, assertiveness, and boldness, without lording it over another. If the head of the family, the one who leads at the helm, can be made to feel less of a man, the foundational strength of the family will cease to be and the family will crumble. What more could the spirit of Jezebel and Leviathan want? And then you have women. God never intended for women to have control over or oppress men either. In a marriage, women are to walk alongside the man, not behind him. She is to be a supportive figure for him, who in turn, honors and respects her supportive position.

Unfortunately, under the influence of the spirit of Jezebel, sin seems like a good thing anymore. That which was (past tense) once deemed evil is now acceptable and that which used to be considered good and wholesome is now regarded as unacceptable. Sadly, the Church in general has not made a strong, collective, response to any of the social upheavals over the last several years.  Vast segments of the American church have taken a page from the teaching of Jezebel of Thyatira. They condone sin in the name of compassion and thus Jezebel is alive and well in many American churches. They point to Jesus’ compassion but fail to live up to his example. In the only gospel story directly concerned with sexual sin, Jesus showed great compassion to the woman taken in adultery. But his last words to her were, “Go and sin no more." True believers should not tolerate abortion, homosexuality, transgendered men or cross-dressers in women's bathrooms or in our schoolrooms. As believers and doers of Gods Word, we must take a stance and come against "her" and every foul spirit before she /they consume our families, churches, and workplaces.

Until He Comes,



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