

Were You There When God Created?

So often throughout my Christian life, I've been asked to denounce Creation and side with evolution. I suppose your choice to believe in creation or the Big Boom depends on what you do with the first sentence found in Genesis, Chapter 1 of any version of the Bible. It states simply and clearly, "In the beginning, GOD created the heavens and the earth." (just a quick notation. God created heaven(s). plural!) If we believe that statement, we can believe everything else that follows. If we reject that statement, we will also deny every other general truth in the Scriptures.

Several years ago I was engaged in a conversation with a non-Christian regarding the creation of all things and gave several verses from the book of Genesis to uphold my belief that 'in the beginning, God created all things' and I let it be known I did not support evolution as is being taught. I stressed that I believed the record of creation just as it was written, nothing added, nothing removed, nothing changed. The non-Christian was quick to interject all that she believed and went to great lengths in giving her own theory of not only how the world began but how life developed from what she called a primordial cell through reptiles, monkeys, and up to humans! When she was finished with her explanation I had to ask a very basic question, "Were you there?" I thought it was a simple, straight forward question. She replied, "Of course I wasn't there!" I responded, "Well, God was there and I'll trust the word of the eyewitness rather than that of those who rely on their own speculations, opinions, intellect, ideas, or guesses." This is the same response I will give today.

We all know that in a court of law, eyewitness testimony carries the most weight. Hearsay testimony is always thrown out. The same is true of creation. God asked Job this question (and it is one you can actually ask any naysayers of creation), "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" (Job 38:4). God Himself laid the foundations of the earth. If you look up the word 'foundation' in the dictionary, you'll find that it means: starting point, base, beginning. Therefore God had a starting point ("in the beginning"), the foundations of this physical globe upon which he made everything in it and on it which includes LIFE itself: all the elements from atoms, cells, electrons, DNA, you name it. Creation began with God Himself. God was there, and His Word can be trusted (Psalm 104:1-5; Psalm 119: 142; Psalm 19: 7-9). If you want to read a very interesting article that will challenge evolution and ask you questions you will not have an answer for you can go to

Every living creature manifests an intelligent design. An explosion or "big boom" as evolutionist refers to could not possibly have created a perfect intellectual design in something as complex as a cell. A living cell is so awesomely complex that its interdependent components stagger the imagination and defy evolutionary explanations. Take DNA. DNA is the real mind-blower! The fact that you need DNA to make DNA is amazing. No genetic code can be demonstrated to have risen by chance, together with the ability to read that code and carry out its instructions. But that is what DNA does! We must honestly consider that information does not arise spontaneously, and there is an incredible amount of information in even the tiniest of cells ... plant, animal, or human! So as far as evolution vs creation I ask you, "Were you there?" How do you answer? What side do you support? I suppose your choice to believe depends on what you do with the first sentence in Genesis, Chapter 1 of any version of the Bible. Keep in mind, evolution constantly changes with theories and speculations as more scientists add their opinions. However, the Word of God has never changed, nor will it ever. "For this is what the Lord says—
he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited—he says: “I am the Lord, and there is no other" (Isaiah 45:18). Creation is by God and nothing else!
Until next time,


  1. Very, very true!! I watch nature documentaries all the time and it amazes me how people come up with some of their explanations for how evolution (creation) works!! If you have ever watched Birds' of Paradise mating rituals, you would have a hard time convincing me that it was not Divine Design! There are so many complexities even in an individual insect's life that it is mind boggling!!
    In my opinion it takes more faith to believe in the "Big Bang" than it does to believe in a Creator.

  2. Well said, Diane! Well said. I cannot add anything to that.

  3. for me, complex DNA proves there is a creator. design and purpose is right there.
