

Homosexuality: The Seed and The Soil

I received an email question from a reader in Alaska asking if I would explain what my feelings are on homosexuality. Thank you for your question.
Homosexuality is a difficult subject to address. Not because I don't have an answer but because much of the world is undecided regarding it IE: are we born that way, is it really wrong, etc. And regardless of the Bible clearly describing it as an abomination, people refuse to believe that homosexuality is even spoken of in the Old or New Testament so they won't hear anything on the subject. But the subject is mentioned in God's Word! So I am happy to be sharing what I know about it here in this forum. My experience has been that even if shown the exact scripture location people refuse to hear what the Word of God says about it. To be clear, I am not writing this blog to condemn or hate homosexuals. I am writing to answer the question posed to me. My answer will come from what I have learned by reading, studying and understanding the Bible. First, God calls homosexuality an abomination. Have you ever bothered to look up the word abomination? It means "a thing that causes disgust or hatred." Some synonyms for abomination are an atrocity, disgrace, outrage, evil. Here is one scripture regarding the law of ancient times and is found in the old testament, "You shall not lie with a man as with a woman, it is an abomination" (Leviticus 18:22). This scripture is clearly telling us, Men, do not lie with another man (sexually) as you do with a woman. It is an atrocity, evil, and a disgraceful outrage and it is disgusting to God and He hates it. One thing happens when men and women "lie together." This verse is specifically speaking of sexual contact. I have had people say, "That's the Old Law. Things are different today!" Is murder still wrong today? Is adultery still wrong? The law has never changed. There are others that swear homosexuality was never talked about in the New Testament. Yes, yes it was. Still, people refuse to believe it.

Again, here is a clear and understandable scripture from the New Testament which literally addresses both homosexuality AND lesbianism. Romans 1: 26-27 KJV, "Even women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise, also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly (improper), and receiving in themselves that recompense (penalty) of their error which was meet (which was due)." I want you to notice how this scripture mentions the words "nature" and "natural use." When men and women have an attraction to each other, that's natural, No? When a man has intercourse with a woman that is nature, no? So it can be determined that lying with the opposite sex and the natural instinct of sexual attraction not only exist between a male and female, but it's how God intended it because it follows nature! Therefore, male with male or female with female (homosexual/lesbian) attractions are not "natural". They are in fact, AGAINST NATURE. Why am I saying that? According to the verses above a homosexual union is referred to as "an error." Read the verse again, Romans 1:26 & 27. I want you to remember that word error. I'm going to prove BY THE WORD and BY NATURE that the 'formula' in a homosexual, gay, or lesbian relationship is an error. There is nothing natural about it. It is a lie of Satan. It is a deception that catches literally millions of people on this planet.

Let me explain homosexuality in a way that might be clearer to some. This will be in my words now, my own analogy.
A scientist takes a tomato seed from California and a tomato seed from Rhode Island. He wants to combine the two so that he will produce a tomato plant that will be able to endure the heat of the California desert or the harsh winter cold of the northeast. He wants a plant that will continue to grow year round regardless of weather. He begins his experiment. He lays both seeds side-by-side in a Petree dish. He waters them and sets the Petree dish on a sunny windowsill. After 2 weeks he checks his seeds. Watering them again and providing plenty of light he leaves them again, checking on them periodically week after week, feeding, watering, attending... after 6 months the scientist realizes his experiment is a failure. The seeds did not produce. They were unfruitful.

Likewise, a female scientist in Rhode Island wants to be the first inventor to develop the richest organic soil available to farmers. One that can be used in any barren part of the world even if there is drought. This soil will produce a crop even without rain. So she sends for soil from the fertile fields of Kansas, and the small Qatar Peninsula off western Asia. When the soils arrive she cannot contain her excitement. She opens the containers, mixes the soils together, lightly and lovingly packs them down in a big clay pot. She waters the soil and places the pot on a sunny windowsill. After 2 weeks she checks the pot. Nothing has happened. Watering again and providing plenty of light she leaves again, checking on the pot periodically week after week, watering, attending, etc... after 6 months she realizes her experiment is a failure. The soil did not produce. It was unfruitful. Both experiments did not produce because seed and seed cannot produce a plant without soil. And soil mixed with soil will never be fruitful unless a seed is put inside the soil! Likewise, a man with another man cannot "produce" offspring. Neither can soil of itself produce a plant, a bush, a tree, etc unless a seed is placed inside of it. The two scientists are in error! Their "formula" was wrong. Had only the scientist combined the seeds from California and Rhode Island and planted them into the soil from Kansas or Qatar, there would have been a crop. In fact, the seeds from California and Rhode Island could have been planted in any soil and it would have produced a plant. This is how you can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that homosexuality is the wrong formula. God said in Genesis 1:28, "BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY." How can homosexuals or lesbians multiply NATURALLY? Homosexuality and lesbianism is an error. The formula is wrong. Can you see it? Can you understand it?

Here is the bottom line. If men were meant to be with men and women were made to naturally be with women, the human race would have died off. That was not and is not God's plan. He wanted us to fill the earth, to bring forth, to be fruitful. The scientist's formula, if adopted as correct, would have killed off every plant, tree, shrub, flower, or herb on the earth. Homosexuality, had it been God's formula, would have killed off humanity. It is Satan who comes "to kill, steal, and destroy" (John 10:10) Satan is sifting people like wheat, killing, stealing and destroying them just as he wanted to of Peter. Do you know what the process of sifting wheat was? How could it apply to you? In short, harvesters gathered wheat from the field. they would beat that wheat against a hard surface to break it up. This process of beating, beating, beating dislodged the grain from the stalks and the husks. Satan not only wants to beat you over the head with lies, errors, temptations, etc. that you become so whipped, so confused, so unsure what is right and what is wrong that your spirit separates from God and you fall to the ground in his arms. He's got you. Please read the Bible for yourself. Look up the scriptures I've placed here. Satan is cunning, deceitful, sly, deceptive. Homosexuality is an error. In the beginning, it was not so (Matthew 19:4) "Have you not read that in the beginning from the creation, He made them MALE AND FEMALE, and said 'for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they two shall be one flesh?" That is marriage...1 male, 1 female. That is one flesh...the male and his female. This, therefore, are my thoughts and God's words regarding homosexuality. Until next time ...


  1. this was the simplest analogy ever given for an argument pointing out the error of homosexuality. i don't judge these choices by some in our society on a personal level because frankly, i feel the same as you, that satan has tricked homosexuals into believing there is nothing wrong with it. you're right! the formula is wrong. that's it! it doesn't fit together (2 men or 2 ladies) with the laws of nature. even nature is telling us. you did a wonderful job not only explaining it in a spiritual sense but also logically. i think your logical explanation may just open a few eyes of straight people who have been riding the fence, along with some homosexuals who feel unsure and confused. sometimes logic is more clear than truth and when the two are put together, well, that's a home run! You hit a home run. thank you. i'm going to remember this one to help others. May God continue to give you insight to share.

  2. You are very welcome, Dan. I'm happy this was clear for you and thousands of others as well. Homosexuality is no greater a wrong than any other sin I was ever caught up in. In fact, lying is a horrible wrong as it can hurt and destroy so many lives with just as few words. Lies have destroyed marriages, friendships, relationships between dignitaries and countries, etc. No sin is greater than another but they all have one thing in common. Satan! He is so sly and cunning. He will take good things given to us by God and pervert it. In this case, love. I wish that everyone who is caught up in the deceptions of what real love is will open their eyes to see the truth...that can include the lie that homosexuality is okay, adultery is okay, fornication is okay, etc. because all these wrongs are based around a false definition of what love is. In each of these three, "love" is the excuse used to justify their sin. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Pat, I love your analogy on this subject,I have several gay "couple's" on my FB feed I was expecting to comment and blow a fuse with me for posting it, but not a one has, I guess in their deepest hearts they know it us a sin.but as you say, they "Love" as their way to justify the sin, so sad....thank you ever so much for doing such a wonderful job explaining the word of God

  4. You are so very welcome, Kerry. God woke me from a deep sleep and gave me that analogy at 4 a.m. I was so excited to get it down on paper, I couldn't go back to sleep. It is my deepest desire to help others understand the Word of God. Time is running out. I want people not to just hear the truth but understand it! God bless you my brother. Thank you for sharing!!

  5. Interesting and gentle way of illustrating this, Sis!

  6. I just wrote out a comment and erased it in error! I guess I'll be back later!😕

  7. It's so important to know up front that this is not about judgement or hate. Pat mentions that at the onset. It must be so difficult to be in the world and not feel right about yourself or your identity. The Bible is SO clear however about how God feels about homosexuality. Although sin is sin, this is the only sin against which God is so especially admonishing. He hates it, it's an abomination to Him! The comment often made..."I have no control over whom I love"
    There are Rainbow Churches all over, United Denominations, Anglican and more who have embraced this lifestyle although it is clearly against God's Word. I certainly don't have all the answers but Pat gave a very clear message of what the Bible says. God loves His children but He does require obedience and there are consequences for our disobedience.
    Thanks Pat for the clarity shown in the writing of this message. I know I still don't understand all that is involved in how others come to "love" people of the same sex. God knows the heart and He will be the ultimate judge.

  8. i want to add something to diane's comment. though the world laughs at what i'm about to say, it must be said. if you look around the world has changed drastically in the last 8-10 years. we have schools that now teach homosexuality acceptance-and descriptive books and graphic pictures of sexual acts between the same sexes. why is that in school anyway? we have transgenders wanting rights to go into bathrooms they should not be in, we have their curriculum also being taught in kindergarten, there is a out of control sex trade in this country, pedophilia is now considered an alternative lifestyle, abortions are now granted up to the moment of birth and the baby can still be murdered on the table! if a baby somehow makes it through a failed abortion they leave it to suffer alone in a dark room to die. can anybody see the fast downward spiral into hell we are going? when killing babies and molesting young children has not only become acceptable but has become law? God help us! satan is infiltrating everywhere and into everything. repent! time is short. laugh if you want.

    1. are so right! How do not see the evil staring at us in the face?!! Murdering babies up until the moment of birth or shortly after is pure satanism....sacrifices to the God Molech!

  9. and it's happening fast. once a snowball starts rolling from the top of a hill it gains momentum until it's rolling so fast and is 2x, 3x,4x its original size. that's what's happening. satan's filthy, perverted, murderous sins have gotten so big, so out of control, the world cannot stop the momentum. as it rolls it is running over people and picking them up along the way! we're going to crash.

  10. Amen, You are so right on the target. God Bless you and your blog. No one could have presented it any better. Love it.

  11. Thank you, Russ. I'm hoping eyes will open to know the truth. The devil has truly tricked people. I'm praying those lost in the deception will finally understand through the illustration I presented. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Hi Pat, I haven't read your posts in some time now but am trying to catch up! This blog was a perfect answer to the readers question. You explained it very well according to my understanding of the scripture. On a personal note, my granddaughter has been in a homosexual relationship for over two years. When I first found out about it I had a very long discussion with her. In love I told her basically what you have said here. She was a former Christian and was married before she got involved with this woman (who's name is Olivia but has now changed her name to Oliver) She's taken so many hormones she now has whiskers. I've heard she even lowers her voice to sound like a man. She is SO deceived as my granddaughter is as well. Anyway, after our talk I told her I had only one request and that was to never see them together. Today it my great grandson's birthday and they will be there. I will be forced to be introduced. I have rehearsed over and over. I have decided to be brief and simply say hello. Everyone present knows how I feel about the subject and why so I know all eyes will be on me waiting for my reaction. I am repulsed but most of all saddened. Another thing that REALLY concerns me is this little 5 year old great grandson and my 8 year old granddaughter are being made to believe that this lifestyle to fine and acceptable!! God help us! I have prayed about this every day and have prayed for the two of them as well but now here I am face to face with a situation I'd rather not be in. I can imagine what they say behind my back, "And she calls herself a Christian" I desire to show the love of Christ but under no circumstances do I want them to think I approve. I know their future if they don't repent! I'm sure you won't read this before I have to leave at 11:00 today but I would still like your input. On a side note, my other two grandchildren are both cohabiting with their significant others. I've been asked why I "seem" to approve of the other two and not the other one to which I reply, I don't!! To be honest, even though I don't approve I'm not nearly as repulsed as I am with the homosexual one. It's like you wrote, it's not natural. I would so appreciate advice from you or any other readers of your blog. I desire to do the right thing and be in God's will. Thanks so much Pat!

  13. Hi Christi, although I am not in the situation you are regarding your granddaughter, I certainly understand how you must feel especially in light of God's Word. A cousin recently said to me about using the word "lifestyle", that a lifestyle refers more to the clothing you wear, where you might live or what clubs you belong to. He is not a Christian so does not see the issue with homosexuality. When discussing it with him on FB, bringing in God's Word just brings up the same old comments...."well, how many times has it been translated by men.." etc etc. My comment was that God calls homosexuality an abomination. I must admit, I have difficulty understanding the whole issue of transgender; I believe people can be born with those "wires crossed". We live in a fallen world. My elder son lives with his partner also. He was raised in a Christian home, went to church and a Christian school. We pray for him and his partner daily. His younger brother and his wife came back to the Lord when they were living together! God does not hate our children or grandchildren, His love for them is everlasting. They are redeemable! I pray your visit with your granddaughter went without any incident. All you can do is show uncondtional love without condoning sin. That is what we do as well. I will pray for you and your family. May our Lord give you His peace and comfort.

  14. Hi Diane, thank you so much for your words of insight. The introduction went by with no fanfare. My granddaughter asked if she could introduce me to someone which I responded, "sure" She introduced her as Oliver who said, "I'm happy to meet you" I repeated those words back to her but I didn't say it without inflection. As they were leaving she said the same thing again as did I but again, no smile or even hint of friendliness. I'm embarrassed to admit this to you!! I feel like I failed miserably! I told my daughter I did the best I could do for now but she scolded me saying, "well, is that how Jesus would have treated her?" This daughter does NOT live for Jesus and is in fact, very worldly. She told me Olivia/Oliver told her I was one tough cookie. Not exactly what I'd like to be known as because I am the complete opposite. I have asked God to forgive me. I am thinking seriously of writing them a letter. Thank you so much for praying for me!!! It really means the world to me!

  15. Hi Christi. I'm sorry I'm just reading your comments though it is too late now that you've attended the initial introduction to "Oliver." However, I do have some thoughts that may help you in this situation. I think if you step back a minute, take a breath, and realize these things, you may be able to experience peace in your situation. First and foremost, (though as a Christian you already know) it bears repeating. WE WERE ALL BLIND once. All of us were tricked by Satan into believing a variety of sins were either normal, fashionable, or what people do today. Whether it's a homosexual lifestyle, being a weekend drunk, involved with a married person and because we "are in love" we have used the excuse love makes it okay. None of us are exempt of sin and the truth is, no sin is greater than another. Black is black. Homosexuality is no worse than being a liar according to Revelation! So with that in mind, try and look at your granddaughter and Oliver as another victim of Satan. You are doing the right thing by praying for them. Prayer is powerful. As a Christian it is your duty to pray for them, not out of judgement, but that God may be merciful and show them His truth. That's all you can do for them spiritually. In the meantime, if your act with compassion (always keeping in mind they are a victim of Satan as we once were) things will work themselves out IN YOUR HEART... to give YOU peace! Showing compassion does not mean you accept the error of homosexuality as the Bible plainly points that out in more than one area, but it does mean you are acting in the character of Jesus. LOVE COVERS A MULTITUDE OF SINS. Jesus makes it clear. We are not to judge or condemn anyone (Matthew 7:1–2). God instructs all his followers to forbear with and forgive one another. We know we all fail one another (James 3:2), and we know that Jesus tells a person to take the log out of their own eye before attempting to deal with the speck in someone else’s eye (Matthew 7:3–5). To bring up each and every offense would become tiresome indeed. However, that said, Love does cover a multitude of sins, but not all sins. Paul TELLS BELIEVERS that we are to distance ourselves from those who claim to be believers yet live immoral and destructive lives (1 Corinthians 5:11). NOTICE that Paul's admonition is addressing believer to believer, not believer to the world! Your granddaughter and her lover are not believers in God's Word. Therefore, your mission is to pray that they will become that and let God take it from there. In the meantime, your actions should be one of kindness just as if they were not lovers. More flies can be caught using honey. Be kind and pray pray pray. As far as writing a letter, I personally don't feel that is necessary. There is plenty of time to see them again, to call your granddaughter and check in- see how she's going, to send birthday cards, etc. She knows your position on homosexuality. You will never convince her otherwise. Know why? It is the Spirit that convicts, and it is God Himself who draws people. "No one comes to the Father except God draw him." You keep praying, let GOD work in His own way and His own time, and accept what takes place no matter how slow it seems to be working! In closing, remember this: "The prayers of a righteous man avails much." So keep praying but act in love.
