

What's In A Name

True lovers and followers of Jesus Christ have been given the revelation that Jesus was God in the flesh. God (in flesh as Jesus) came to this earth to witness the TRUTH (John 18:37) and He WAS THAT TRUTH (John 14:6). "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD. He, Jesus, was at the beginning with God. All things were made by Him (The WORD), and without Him was nothing made that was made" (John1:1-3). In reality, God has come to us in 2 distinct ways to ensure we know the way back to Him. In ancient times He came through the flesh and was called The Son of Man because he was born of a woman. And He also came (and is still with us today) called The Word of God (the Bible). When Jesus spoke in Matthew 18:20 He said, "I am with you always, even unto the ends of the world" He told the truth! Jesus remains with us alive through His Word! His Word is more than just letters written on paper. His Word is alive!!! Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing of soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and intents of the heart."

John said, "These things are written (in our Bible today) that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in His Name." The apostles and disciples of old were actually able to both see, hear, and walk with Him. Today, we are able to continue to hear Him through The Word. John said that if you believe this, you can have life in His Name. What does it mean to have life in His Name? Revelation 19:13 says, "And He (Jesus) was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: AND HIS NAME IS CALLED THE WORD OF GOD. There is life in the Word of God! Then John 1:14 testifies, " And The WORD (Jesus) was made flesh (He became human) and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." So, it is His Word (in Bible form), that is His Truth, it is Life, it judges the thoughts and intents of your heart, it is living, it is active in transforming us, and it will always remain in the believer's heart. Wasn't it Jesus Himself that said, I AM the way, the truth, and the life?" He was the way when he was upon earth in flesh, and The Word is still the guide for believers and unbelievers. Jesus inspired His Word to be written and go across the globe after His departure from earth. It is meant to awaken faith in unbelievers and sustain faith in believers.

There is healing in The Name of Jesus. As Christians, we have that same vested power. (John 21:25; Luke 7:1-10; Mark 16: 17-18.)
We have authority in The Name of Jesus. Demons will flee at the mention of His Name. (Luke 4:41; Acts 7:55, Luke 10:17)
We have victory in The Name of Jesus. Jesus conquered death in its entirety and it affected the entire human race. (Job 14: 5-12; Corinthians 15:55; Romans 8: 38-39)
GOD is still alive and working through His Word. He still honors His promises. It was through this same Word that I knew God was real and alive. The Catholic church never gave me that nor did religion ever lead me there. It was through the Bible that I learned of the grace of God, His unfailing love and HIS plan for my life. It put me exactly where I am today, shouting the wonderful Name of Jesus! "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ because it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes: to the Jew first and also to the Greek" (Romans 1:15-16). The Word has the power to change you. If you want to change your life, read the Bible and the Holy Spirit will begin working in you and through you. This power is found nowhere else but in the gospel of Jesus Christ. What power do you ask? " The power unto salvation!" Once you come to the knowledge that Jesus is Who He said He is and you repent of your sin your life will begin to change! His Word is then unlocked to you. His Word has the power to heal your heart from hurt, the power to show you how to love, how to forgive others, how to live peaceably with all men, it gives you the power to be content in the midst of tumult, its power fills you with hope, peace, and wisdom. It gives you strength and makes a way out of temptation, it delivers you from trouble and engulfs you with blessed assurance of a sure place in heaven. What a beautiful Name it is! Until next time ...


  1. dani and i just listened to this song and read your blog. we were both driven to tears. what a moving song! it made your blog even more special. thank you, pat. dani and i use the name of jesus when we pray together. we repeat his word in our prayers, because as you point out his name is the word of God. when we started praying like this, things began to happen. because his words are truth, he has to honor his own promises, right? it works. somewhere in the book of isaiah i can't remember where, it says the word of God will not return unto him void but will accomplish what he wills. pray his word by repeating scripture back to him. it works! you're right, what a beautiful name it is-jesus, the word of God. bless you, pat.

  2. This song and blog, what a wonderful pairing Pat, God bless you

  3. Thank you, Kerry. The song is so meaningful. It touches my heart. I wanted to add it to the blog so readers could get a better idea of Who the Word is! God Bless.

  4. Replies
    1. HELLO, NANCY!!! Long time no see. Missed you girl. Welcome!! Yes, tears roll every time I listen to this song too.

  5. One of the greatest evidences of Jesus Christ is a changed life!!
    My family thought it was just one of my fads 43 yrs ago when I decided to follow Jesus! Well...I had a few! However, all these yrs later they have figured out it's NOT one of my fads!You cannot have a personal encounter with the Saviour and NOT be1 changed!As Pat said above,your life begins to change, your sin life changes! When I first came to the Lord, I would sing to myself an old song ...."Jesus, Jesus, there is something about that name"!
    Thank you, Pat! 😊 Blessings.

  6. Thank you Diane. At least your family only thought it was a fad you picked up. Both my parent begged me, I MEAN BEGGED ME, to see a psychiatrist and if I would, they promised to pay for it. Little did they know I wasn't out of my mind, I was renewing it! lol
