

Don't Put Off

I'm not your typical bill-payer. Anyone who knows me well can tell you no grass grows under my feet when it comes to paying bills. The very day any bill arrives I'm quickly filling out a check and mailing it before the day ends. And even though my mother was a frugal woman and a great example of a responsible steward when it came to money, she never instructed me to pay bills the moment they arrive. I don't know why I'm like that but I am. However, there are some people in the world who prefer to live in the state of "tomorrow." By that, I mean those who put off tomorrow what they should AND COULD have done today. I was thinking about this very thing when a scripture popped into my head that "tomorrow" is not promised (James 4:13-15). None of us know what tomorrow will bring. In fact, I've lost people in my life unexpectedly, young people who were too young to die. "Here today, gone tomorrow" as the saying goes.

People are procrastinators. It's just a fact. I remember one Christmas season when I stood in a long line at the post office. I was waiting for my turn to approach the counter as were about thirty-five other anxious patrons. The line was moving at a snail's pace. The post office employees seemed to be purposely going slow as if to aggravate us even further. Most everyone in the lobby was precariously balancing at least five packages in their arms and one lady had so many she brought hers in on one of those collapsible, trolley-type utility carts. People were becoming very impatient. As I looked around eyeing all the different wrapping paper and size of packages I remember thinking to myself, "Why do people wait to the last minute to mail packages? Couldn't they get here a week or two earlier? Sheesh!" Of course, there I was standing right alongside them guilty of the same infraction! Why is it that people unnecessarily wait until the last minute in order to get something accomplished? Let me suggest three reasons:

1) Poor (or no) planning on their part (read Matthew 25: 1-13).
2) Involved in doing too many insignificant things and forgetting the most important thing (take Martha, for instance - Luke 10: 38-42).
3) Some people just like that drama of rushing. They procrastinate to the very last minute as a means to spur them on to complete a project.
When it comes to spiritual matters you should never put off what you can do today but oh how people do. The Bible tells us "now" (today) is the acceptable time, behold, Now (today) is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2). Tomorrow may be too late. It has been too late for 3 people I knew. Do you recall the 1997 movie co-produced by James Cameron called TITANIC? I've literally seen it 13 times! The Titanic's captain did not believe the ship was sinking until the water was ankle-deep in the mailroom. At that point, he realized that the 'unsinkable ship' was sinking. Ships that could have helped rescue the people on board were not asked to help early enough and did not arrive in time! In the same way, many people gamble that they will get saved at the eleventh hour. What they do not realize is, it may come so fast they do not know it is the eleventh hour!

God has told the sinful world, in no uncertain terms, to repent (Mark 6:12; Luke 24:47; Acts 3:19; 17:30). To repent means to change your mind from embrace of sin and rejection of Christ to rejection of sin and embrace of Christ. “Today, if only you would hear his voice, Do not harden your hearts” (Psalm 95:7–8). Another problem with delaying repentance is that no one knows the day he will die. And after death comes judgment (Hebrews 9:27). The rich fool in Jesus’ parable (Luke 12:16–20) thought he had plenty of time to enjoy life, but God had news for him: “You fool, this night your soul will be required of you" (verse 20). We have today and we have the present moment but we should use it wisely. Another reason to not delay repentance is that every time we refuse to repent, we continue to sin and our hearts get harder (see Hebrews 3:7–8). Every time a person says “no” to what’s right, it becomes a little easier to say “no” the next time, too. Can anyone relate to that? There’s a gradual hardening of the heart as 1 Timothy 4:2 describes as "searing of the conscience" which can numb an unsaved person to the point of being past feeling. This is a dangerous spiritual condition to be in. Please do not put off what you can do today in this "acceptable time." There are people right now (metaphorically) 'standing ankle-deep in water' who will literally not be here tomorrow and who never took God's plea to repent seriously. Is that you? Please give your life, your heart, and your ways to the Lord Jesus Christ while it is still DAY. Hebrews 3:15 has the perfect message, "If you hear God's voice today, do not be stubborn, as your ancestors were when they rebelled against God."


  1. i'm splitting my comment in 6 parts because this platform said i have too many words.
    what I've come to realize since becoming a believer and giving my life to Christ is that there is an urgency throughout the bible to 'answer the call' and return to the lord. we've all fallen away from God so that call, that urgency, is for every person on this earth. people think its bologna. they think it's all a lie. they think judgement isn't coming and neither is jesus to take his faithful home to heaven. they say they've heard it being said for hundreds, if not thousands of years, and if it were true it would have already happened.

  2. two things we must realize. #1 God does not use a clock nor is his will determined by "time." only humans place 24 hours into a block and call it one day. #2 God is patient, so patient, not willing that any man should perish. This is the "gap" humans think exist and use as an excuse that jesus isn't coming back and no one is in danger for ignoring the call to come back to God and be saved. that "gap," those thousands of years that have passed are a time of patience and mercy. it is God allowing his message to be carried around the world, reaching generation after generation. the bible also tells us that God will judge the world, that God is a just God and sin will be punished.

  3. God said (in general terms) "this is the DAY the lord has made" and "this is the DAY of salvation." this is not referring to a 24 hour period. it's now. it's now as long as God's mercy remains through his patience. DAY means now. come to the lord now, while it us still DAY because night is coming when darkness (not literal darkness)- spiritual darkness- will fill the earth because once jesus returns to gather his believers and remove them, you will have missed your chance to go to heaven and celebrate the marriage supper of the lamb. you will be left behind to suffer the great tribulation. a time as was not since the beginning of time as recorded in the bible. i didn't intend to be so long winded but things just keep popping into my head. I urge any reader not to put off their salvation if they have.

  4. as pat said, if you wait to the 11th hour thinking you'll do it then, what if your 11th hour is before you ever get home from work tonight? don't wait. don't put off. don't hesitate. don't ignore God's urgent plea, "today if you will hear his voice, do not harden your heart" Hebrews 3:5. I can testify that giving your life to jesus is not a frightful thing. what are you afraid of? what have you got to lose? if you come to him you will have life, if not, you will die in your sins. let jesus wash away all your past sins and make you a new person with a new beginning. he will help you fight your weaknesses, understand your weaknesses, forgive your weaknesses, and walk with you every day of your life if you remain faithful to him. God loves you. what are you waiting for, man? it's so simple to step over that line and say yes i'll follow you jesus.

  5. right now is the acceptable time as this blog points out. right now. while it is still DAY. i did it less than 5 years ago and i'm glad i did. i'm learning day by day. growing in his knowledge day by day. yes, i fall at times. i curse when I get really mad, thoughts of lust can still enter my mind, etc. but I always ask the holy spirit to help me fight them or just take them away until i can grow stronger and love him more. it works!! he does help me overcome thoughts, temptations, and sometime bad intentions that enter my mind. he is patient with me, he forgives me, i'm still saved though i "sin" like that from time to time. it's a growing process. he understands and he walks with you as you grow and slowly change. you don't change, you don't have the power to stop all that crap.

  6. the holy spirit changes you when you repent and keep going. stay with him. he is patient, merciful, and forgiving. if your true goal is to be saved, to follow jesus, to be a new person, your heart is in the right place. answer his call today. come like i did. he'll help you do the rest. it's miraculous how he works. i still don't understand how he does it but he does. he changes you slowly and your vices and desires will fall away and obedience becomes easy. that's the real miracle with me anyway. i find being obedient is easy now. okay. i'm done. i hope this helps someone. thanks, pat. i loved the blog.

  7. WOW, Dan. I'm blown away by your comment. There's just nothing I could add to that except to say, I've seen you grow in the knowledge of the Lord over time and it's a beautiful thing to see. Thank you for everything you've added. God bless!

  8. Dan, everything you shared is absolutely true! He changes us when we ask Him to; He helps us when we ask Him to!
    Thanks for sharing! God bless! :-)

  9. I am just going through the first paragraph and decide to go to James 4:13-15. We have been planning a move for many months! I am thankful that we do pray for God's will for our lives and future but how easy it would be to just makes plans and never ask...Is this Your will, Father?! I have learned even in these last few months that..."many are the plans of man but it is the Lord who directs his steps". We thought we would be gone two months ago! Shows you what we knew!! Lol
    I have never been a procrastinator! When my husband says "I'll do it later or tomorrow" my bp rises! I think or say " can do it right now"! When I heard the Gospel for the first time, the Biblical message, not the teachings I was raised in, I said "why have I not heard this before"! I went home, prayed and gave my life to Jesus! I spent years in a tailspin looking for that truth in all the wrong places. I was so thankful to finally here it! I guess maybe that is why I am so fervent about telling others about Jesus; how much He loves them! Forty three years ago my family thought it was one of my "phases"...well, it wasn't and it hasn't worn off!
    Don't put off until tomorrow accepting the redemptive love and sacrifice of Almighty God, who came to earth to show you how much He loved you. :-)

  10. Good word, Diane! Me too. 47 years ago my family thought I was off my rocker and even offered to pay for me to see a psychiatrist so I could be "deprogrammed." I REFUSED because I knew I had found the truth and the most stable thing in my life. Mine hasn't worn off either! lol
