

Which Road Will You Choose

Jesus spoke of a choice man has to make in Matthew 7:13-14. He said, “Enter in by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few that find it.” It is plain. There are two roads in life we can take. One leads to destruction, the other to life.

Using your imagination, picture yourselves in your car at an intersection of two roads. One road is well-paved in smooth black asphalt. It would be easy to navigate. It's relatively straight with few hills to climb and has several lanes for driving. The other road is a two-lane road with potholes, no shoulders, curvy and very hilly. Your ability to see at a distance is limited but it doesn't look like something you want to tackle. Which road would you choose? We know most people are going to take the first road I listed because of the ease of navigation. Why would one willingly go down the second road with all of its difficulties and pitfalls? In reality, we face the same two choices in the spiritual roadway of life. It is easy to engage in the things of this world by following along with the crowd and going down the “easy road.” We will meet little or no resistance if we go along with what everyone else is doing, right? Not only that but if everyone else is doing it, it can't be wrong, right? Choosing this road you can set the cruise control, lean back, crank up the air conditioner, tune the stereo onto your favorite radio station, and sail along with nothing running through your mind to disturb you or get in your way. There is no such thing as “peer pressure” on this road, because whatever carnal activities society dictates, the individual who takes this road will likely engage in them as well (1 Corinthians 3:3-4).

The other choice in the spiritual roadway, however, is not as easy. It is a difficult road (or way.) It is the “way of righteousness” and following the teaching of God’s Word which people often cringe at (Proverbs 12:28; Psalm 1:1-2). There is no compromising on this road. It is indeed “the road less traveled,” and there are “few who find it” according to Matthew 7:14. For the most part, people do not wish to be different from the rest of the world. People want to fit in. It’s a difficult thing to “go against the grain” and be one of those “peculiar” people who try to live a life pleasing to God (1 Peter 2:9 KJV). Millions of people interpret the straight, narrow road as a restrictive, boring, and prudish way to travel through life. When one chooses to take the road less traveled, those of the world think the people who choose the road less traveled to be “strange” because of the stand it requires (1 Peter 4:4). The disciplined life of those traveling the more difficult narrow road seems foolish to those on the broad roadway: 1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." To the worldly folks on the broad easy road, everything regarding the Bible is ridiculous, foolish, idiotic and unreasonable. But for the Christians on the more difficult path that have given their lives to doing the will of God- even though their road can be difficult at times- have a sense of inner peace and assurance that the other easy road could never give them.

Mind you, these two roads also have crossovers. There is tremendous pressure on those believers who take the difficult road/way to then leave and cross over to the easier, broad roadway where millions red traveling. The road less traveled can become too difficult for them, or perhaps like Demas, they “love this present world” (2 Timothy 4:10) and so they take a detour to the easier road. They fall away. Why would they do that? Because they see that it is much easier to blend in with the flow of traffic on the easier road and choose to take it. But it works the other way sometimes too! A person can go from the easy road to the difficult road by obedience to God’s will and committing to live a life faithful to Him (Matthew 7:21; Revelation 2:10). Many have done it. I did!
The most important thing is we must consider the end of these two roads. The less-traveled road, though it is unpopular in this life leads to the right destination – eternal life in heaven (Matthew 7:14). Whereas the well-traveled road where everyone is heading leads to a dead-end – a destination of destruction according to Matthew 7:13. Which road will you choose? The “easy” wide road, or the more difficult narrow road?
Until next time,


  1. Life itself is not easy. Many have trials, sorrows and struggles in most areas. Living as a believer in Jesus Christ definitely can bring unwanted negative attention, especially when speaking up against the stuff going on in this wicked world! What most don't realize is, we are not here to judge them, we want to share with them what He has done for us. We often do come across as judgemental but it is God, Himself, who will judge the living and the dead, not us. We are to be lights in a world that is getting darker and darker. In the midst of struggles, we can have the assurance that He is watching over us and has a plan for our lives. Yes, the road less travelled can be difficult but I know I would not go back! Lord, help us love like You do!
    Blessings, Pat! ;-)

  2. I love the more difficult road. I sure
    can mess things up, but the understanding I get along the way and the way Our Lord speaks to us is so amazing. Then when we meet someone along the way struggling, we are sometimes able to love them back on track.
    Another excellent blog Pat..right on Diane

  3. diane, something you mentioned about 'we aren't here to judge people.' true. true, we are not. i myself used to feel "judged." i felt judged by my mom when she would quote scripture. i felt judged from the pastor of the church i attended, from preachers on tv, etc. i want to add to what you said. that is this. i want any unsaved or even any saved people to realize, the words spoken here, or from a preacher, or any Christian parent, is not their words! they are simply repeating GODS WORDS to you because, as diane said, they care about you because we ourselves have been there. i used to say, "shut up. my life is none if your business. what i do is my business." and yes, that is right. we have choices. we are presented with 2 roads as illustrated in this blog. however, if there were not warnings, signs, or people to speak up we'd all be going to hell. had my mother not stayed on me and fed me the basics of the bible, as well as my current wife, or pastors here and there along the way i would never have considered the condition of my soul. as i look back, i'm glad they were concerned and cared enough to tell me i was headed in the wrong direction and to consider my choices in life. the point is, my mothers words, the words of my wife or preachers along the way were not words to judge me personally, they were GODS WORDS to me delivered by another human being who cared. not only were they words, they were signs. let me ask people this. when you have to stop at a railroad crossing because the law says so, are you mad at the city for looking out for your safety? when you handle an explosive on the 4th of july and the package instructs you to lay it on the ground and not in your hand (or you might lose an arm), are you made at the manufacturer for printing the warning? it's the same with those people who speak out, who warn us, who tell us, and share what God's instructions. including those who contribute in these comments. i'm not personally judging any person's actions. God knows how bad i was--guilty of fornication, a baby out of wed-lock, a lot of women out of wedlock, etc. so i've been there, and my sins caught up with me! i lost my first wife to cancer from whom i have my 2 oldest sons. a baby died from one of my "out of wedlock" living arrangements. i no longer get offended when i hear correction from God's word no matter whose mouth it flows from because i know it is meant for my good. that's what i want every person to know. when God's word is spoken to you, it is a warning sign and you'd be really wise to take heed.

    1. Great comment, Dan! It has been shouted aloud and clearly since Jesus was alive! He is the Way, the Truth, the Life! He only has good gifts for us!

  4. I agree with Nancy. Well spoken, Dan! Frankly. when I address people I have no idea what they have done, how they are living, or what could be hiding in their closet. I speak generally to the population from what God has either shown me or dealt directly with me. If someone is offended by what they read here or if they are made to feel guilty, I'm not doing that personally BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW THEM. It is the Holy Spirit convicting them and wanting to wake them up so that the road they are on doesn't lead them into hell!

  5. Love this Pat- Linda
