

Witnessing. What Is It?

We hear a lot today about "witnessing" for Christ. It was earlier last week that I submitted a blog and "witnessed" several miracles that have taken place in my life. Hearing about other peoples experiences is invigorating and inspiring no doubt. But what does the word witnessing really mean? More and more I hear people speaking about "witnessing" and less frequently do I hear about Christians speaking about teaching or sharing the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ. While the term "witness" is certainly biblical, and while many people speak of "witnessing" within a variety of denominations, perhaps we should wonder if the way the Bible uses the term and the way churches use the term actually coincide. I have to ask, are we wanting to hear more personal stories about miraculous healings that send goosebumps down our spines or the gospel itself?

As I look at all the different ways in which the word 'witness' is used in the scriptures, I've searched but cannot find a single solitary instance in which it is used in the same way that most religious people use the word today! The apostles were eyewitnesses of the resurrection and so was Paul according to Acts 1:22; 4:33; 22:15). The Holy Spirit was a witness to the Jews that the Gentiles were to receive the gospel message (Acts 15:8). God gave witness to the apostles and prophets through miraculous signs and wonders that what they said and taught was true (Hebrews 2:4). John wrote that the record God gave His Son, Jesus, is the witness that is IN US if we believe that record (1 John 5:9-10). However, we never read of an apostle, prophet, or inspired teacher within the New Testament telling Christians to go out and "witness" for Christ. Now before your eyebrows raise or you feel like getting defensive, hear me out. Though the New Testament doesn't tell Christians to go out and "witness" for Christ, it does tell us to "Preach the gospel" Preach yes. "Witness" no. Where does this concept come from?

Whenever I have heard or seen a church member stand up and "witness" it's always about the "great things" God has done for them in their life. Perhaps they speak about how God saved them from drugs, a pornography addiction, a financial crisis, an unlawful sexual relationship, or how God turned them around to show them the value in loving their spouse and children. The witnessing is always "how God personally helped me." The focus of these testimonies is about the individual's personal experience. There's nothing wrong in God helping and changing a life or telling someone that He has, but unfortunately it is from this type of "witnessing" that those who are listening are supposed to conclude that God will work some kind of personal experience for them as well and that they are supposed to come to believe in God BASED ON THIS "TESTIMONY." But that isn't correct. What I want you to notice is that the faith that is generated by personal "testimonies" does not come from GOD'S WORD, but from someone's personal, subjective experience. Why am I concerned enough to even mention this in a blog? Because there is a danger ... the Bible says, "FAITH comes BY HEARING and hearing by THE WORD OF GOD" Romans 10:17--- (emphasis mine) not by personal stories. No one seems to want to hear God's Word or even read it for that matter! I don't think those who stand up and give endless personal "testimonies" or "witness" for God are doing the lost any favors. They are not preaching the Word of God, they are preaching their own subjective, emotional experiences that draw people to the miracles and not to God's Word. They are causing people to believe something other than the Word of God, and that is NOT biblical faith because we have to HEAR the Word to obtain faith. We must be grounded in the Word, not in emotional highs.

Perhaps someone might say, “Well, the Holy Spirit is really the one who is witnessing.” No doubt, this is what many believe today who participate in this kind of thing. How is the Holy Spirit going to say that "faith comes by hearing the Word" at one point in time and then turn around and say that faith comes by doing something OTHER than hearing the Word at another point in time? The Holy Spirit is not the author of confusion according to 1 Corinthians 14:33. Either faith comes by hearing the word of God or it does not. So many Christians are getting caught up in this. Do they no longer believe that faith comes by hearing the word of God? Do they believe that their simple personal stories are more important than the story of the cross? Do they believe that God’s saving power lies within their own personal experience as opposed to the resurrection of the Son of God? As Christians, we must be careful that we don’t brag and glorify ourselves, which is what some people both purposely and unknowingly do (IE: I used to sell cocaine; I was the best there ever was at home invasions; I was a stud and slept with at least a dozen women every week, etc.) Instead of talking about Jesus they use their testimony as an opportunity to talk about themselves, which is no testimony at all. I’m pretty sure you have heard people even bragging about their past life before they accepted Christ as if it were cool. We need to examine our motives. Your "witnessing" should not be totally about personal life experiences! True witnessing is all about Jesus, The Word, and His glory so don’t make it about yourself. Share the gospel and build one another up because it can have a huge impact on someone’s life.

Barnes commentary explained it this way:
{People sought Jesus because they had seen His miracles and were convinced by them that He was the Messiah. But to follow Jesus then (or even today) simply because their wants were supplied was mere selfishness of a gross kind. Yet, many seek religion from no better motive than this. They suppose that it will add to their earthly happiness, or they seek only to escape from suffering or from the convictions of conscience, or they seek for heaven only as a place of enjoyment and regard religion as valuable only for this. All this is mere selfishness. Though religion does not forbid our regarding our own happiness, or seeking it in any proper way; yet when this is the only or the prevailing motive, it is evident that we have never yet sought God aright. We are aiming at the miracles, and not at the honor of God and the good of His kingdom; and if this is the only or the main motive of our entering the Church, we cannot be Christians}
Let’s believe what the Bible has to say about how faith comes and let us resolve to preach, teach, or share God’s word instead of exalting our own personal experience above the power of the gospel (Romans 1:16). Let's decide not to know anything save Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2). Let’s resolve to speak as the oracles of God (1 Peter 4:11). Let us witness the Word because God's Word is far more important than constant personal testimonies. You know you have matured spiritually when you do not ask what God can do for you, rather, what you can do for God.
Until next time,


  1. NOTATION: I want to make myself clear there is nothing wrong with giving personal testimonies. I do now and again when I can teach something. However, personal testimonies should not be what we seek to obtain faith. Lasting, well founded faith comes in HEARING God's Word.

  2. I can see when God use my testimony to reach somebody else who is going through the same thing that I went through. When God wants me to share, I can see the Holy Spirit moving on the other person.I also can see when I lallygagging behind with my time with God, then I will do just exactly what you were talking about. Excellent blog.

    1. I'm glad you share your testimony with others, Nancy. They do help people to see the mercies of God. I know you read and study the Bible too. :)

  3. Excellent teaching regarding this subject! It IS uplifting to hear what God has done to change peoples' lives, especialy if they are giving Him the glory! But you are absolutely right, coming to know God, Himself, can only be done by the reading and hearing of His Word, the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Most of us have "testimonies", we don't come out of the womb "saved". Some of our stories are more colourful than others but the main point of all of them is that Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah, came to seek and save the lost...US! And it is HIS life-changing power within us that spurs us on to become more and more like Him daily. He IS the WORD!
    Thanks, Pat for another great blog! :-)

    1. It's sad that so many Christians are turning away from seeking, reading, and studying God's Word in exchange for wanting to hear testimonies that make them feel good or give them goosebumps. They are under a false pretense that hearing testimonies exclusively will somehow make them closer to God. The only way to have a real relationship with the Savior is to read about Him, learn about Him, grow with Him and that comes by reading the bible.

  4. Replies
    1. You're welcome, Russ. It's good to see you back!

  5. i had to think about this as i read. i can be dense sometimes. i think it finally sunk in with the help of my wife (bless her heart). you are not saying sharing personal testimonies are bad, but that when they become the only or the prevailing motive, it is evident that our priorities are centered toward ourselves when people need to hear the word. the operative words here are "prevailing motive." got it. i admit that i thoroughly enjoy hearing your personal experiences and testimonies how God has worked things in your life, but i also know by reading these blogs it is not your main goal. you do teach the word of God so that we can "hear." thx, pat. i get it. attention needs to be toward the gospel though personal testimonies are good too, just don't neglect pointing people to the gospel itself in the process. is that right?

  6. Yes, Dan. Giving personal testimonies serve a purpose for sure. In fact, I've had people drawn to ask more questions about God and the Bible after giving testimonies. However, though they can be used as a tool to draw people, people need to hear the Word of God to receive faith and maintain faith. :) Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Thank you Pat, love you, miss you Linda
