

Can People In Heaven See People In Hell?

A friend of mine wanted to know what my opinion was on people in heaven being able to see those on earth, or at least know what their loved ones are doing. Then he wanted to know if those who make it to heaven will be able to see those suffering in hell. Honestly, that's a really tough one. I will admit I am not 100% sure because I don't have all the answers. However, I can assume by a few scriptures that even if we can "see" from heaven to earth or even hell, I don't think we will be affected as we would be if we were still living in the flesh. I'll explain by the end of this blog.

The question posed to me arose because of the story in Luke 16: 19-31 about a rich man who was in hell and could see into heaven. First I want to offer that this is a story and not a parable, which in my mind makes a significant difference in what we are to understand. Here's why I say that. The purpose of a parable is to teach something and is usually told with metaphors or as an allegory. Parables use an earthly example to explain the heavenly realm. Examples: "A sower went to out to sow" or "There was a certain judge" or "steward" or "son" or "Samaritan." Parables never list a specific name as the story in Luke 16 does so, therefore, it doesn't fit the definition of a parable. The story in Luke is more of a heavenly story with a heavenly meaning. In the "story," Jesus USES THE NAME of a specific poor beggar; Lazarus. An interesting fact is, this is the only place in the entire Bible where Jesus uses someone's name! And though the rich man is not specifically named, other than he was rich, Lazarus is named. So a believers focus of this story should be on the one called Lazarus. Which by the way, is not the same Lazarus, brother of Mary and Martha whom Jesus raised from the dead. A few things to note ...

1. Lazarus a poor, diseased, beggar, a reject by the world's standard, winds up in heaven. The lavish rich man highly accepted by the world's standard winds up in hell.
2. Lazarus never saw a grave because he was carried into heaven by angels. The rich man was buried in the ground, alive after death but tormented in hell.
3. Lazarus was found safe in Abraham's bosom. The rich man was embraced in the bowels of Satan's domain.
4. Lazarus was forgotten and forsaken by others while on earth. The rich man, probably the envy of others, was clothed in fine linen and lived lusciously every day on earth.

In the story, the rich man lifts up his eyes from hell and literally see's Abraham in heaven (Lazarus is safe in Abraham's bosom) and he cries out to Abraham for mercy. The man is not crying out to Lazarus. He pleads with Abraham to send Lazarus with a drop of water to cool his tongue because he is "tormented in this flame" (verse 24). I suggest you read the entire story to really follow this blog. As it goes, Abraham answers the rich man! So there is a conversation between Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation, and a rich man who has no name. Jesus could have easily appointed the rich man a name for this story but chose not to which is significant as you'll see in a minute. As it is, Abraham can both see and hear the rich man, and vice versa. After their deaths, the saved man, Lazarus, has a name! He has not been abandoned, snubbed, or forgotten as when he was on earth. He is in heavenly bliss; comforted. He is also resting in the bosom of the father of the nation Israel. He is safe! The rich man, on the other hand, has no identity! Jesus didn't assign the man a name for this story. He has been forgotten. He is now alone without any help, assistance, or any hope of rescue. He is cut off and is separated by a great chasm between heaven and hell (verse 26). He is separated from God. He lies in torment. This story seems to convey the sense that Lazarus went to a place of rest, contentment, and peace, almost as though Abraham (a highly revered person in Jewish history and a man chosen of God) was the protector, patron, and perhaps the spokesperson in this case. NOTE: Lazarus, who is resting in heaven, DID NOT SEE OR HEAR the rich man in hell. However, the rich man COULD SEE both Abraham and Lazarus which must have added to his torment.

Contrary to some religious and contemporary beliefs, the Bible does teach there is both a heaven and a hell. They are real places. Each person who lives will spend an eternity in one of the two places. The death of the body is only the beginning of eternity! Physical death is the separation of our body from our soul/spirit (Lazarus), while spiritual death is the separation of our soul from God (the rich man). If there weren't two choices, why would Jesus have bothered to include this story to be written down into permanent history? While the rich man lived for the day, only focusing on himself and his abundance, Lazarus endured many hardships: hunger, disease, loneliness, being ostracized, yet remained humble and never forsook God, etc. Did the rich man go to hell because of money? I don't think so! The condition of his heart proved what kind of man he really was. Money in and of itself is not evil. We need money to put a roof over our head, for food, clothes, medicine, etc. The Bible declares THE LOVE OF money is the root of all evil. It was the rich man's preoccupation with all his riches that he had no time for the beggar at his gate. He ignored Lazarus' pitiful condition and a dire need for help. One very interesting thing I want to point out is that the rich man KNEW Lazarus. Was he a friend? Did he know him from the temple as a fellow church worshipper? How do I know the rich guy knew Lazarus? The rich man called for Lazarus BY NAME (verse 24)! He knew him, but his love for wealth made him selfish, cold, puffed up, arrogant, haughty, and self-important. The man lacked love (1 Corinthians 13:13) the greatest attribute of all.

So, will we be able to see our loved ones that remain on earth or those who are suffering in hell after we pass from here? I can only answer on this wise. If the answer is "Yes, we will be able to see those suffering in hell, or even those who struggle on earth," then I know that whatever we "see" is not going to take away from the joy that God promised that His faithful will receive in heaven (John 15:11; 1 John 1:4). I also know that the scriptures teach that God is going to wipe away all tears from our eyes, that there will be no more crying or sorrow (Revelation 21:4). Too, I also believe the Word when it says after we are resurrected, WE WILL BE CHANGED!! We will not have the same passions and emotions that this earthly body has. We will be in a different form and we will have different experiences. For one, there will no longer be any marrying or given in marriage (Matthew 22:30; Mark 121:25) and that also implies that sexuality will no longer be an issue in that body. So, it's definitely going to be way different than what we know here. Now, assuming the answer is, "No, we will not be able to see those who are in hell," we will still have to deal with the knowledge that some did not make it to heaven. Again, part of the change from a physical body to a spiritual one, no doubt, is going to involve the ability to deal with the knowledge of loved ones who were lost. There will be no tears! But even assuming that we would still be able to have feelings for these loved ones, I trust completely in the promise of God that He will wipe away all tears ...perhaps "wipe away" includes any memories of those that aren't with us in heaven. How would we know they were lost if there is no memory of them? So regardless of whether we will or we won't be able to glimpse at those still on earth or in hell when we are in heaven, I firmly believe God will ensure that our heavenly joy will remain completely intact!
Until next time,


  1. wow, pat. just wow. this one really got me thinking. I don't think we can know for sure like you said. we are going to be so different than what we are in the flesh. frankly, I don't want to know who might be in hell it would take away the joy of our reward. how could it not? my dad was not a saved man from what I understand is required now. I just don't want to have any vision or knowledge of that underworld. I thought addressing Lazarus by name and not the rich guy in your blog was an interesting point. I never saw that before. I think having a name signifies your importance for those who make it to heaven and how forgotten you will be in hell. your identity will be what you did--the rapist, the murderer, the pervert, the homosexual, the rich man, the adulterer, etc. wow.

    1. Dan, we really cannot say how God viewed your dad. I had an older brother that was in so much despair he committed suicide. I would like to think that God came to him as he was dying and they settled things between them. I hope he and your dad had a chance. We just don't know. But I am trusting their memories will be non-existent if they didn't. It's hard to imagine NOT remembering them as we are now, but we will be changed different than we are now.

  2. Thank you Pat, I have often sat and thought about this very Mom and I were discussing this and she felt that once you were in Heaven, you would not be able to see into hell because it would bring sorrow and despair....I feel that God knows EXACTLY what he's doing, have trust in him and rest assured in his promise

  3. You're welcome, Kerry. I agree with your mom. Knowing loved ones were lost would destroy the joy that's been promised to us. It's good to hear from you! God bless.

  4. Great topic to discuss. I personally don't believe we will see those suffering in eternal separation from God, for the same reasons as everyone has said above. But also because we will have a whole new view and perspective, completely spiritual. As mentioned, we won't be seeing, feeling or living the way we did in our previous carnal, human lives on earth. We will be worshipping the Creator of the Universe, Almighty God, along with the hosts of angels! Nothing that is not of Him or about Him will enter our minds!!
    Thanks, Pat, for this interesting blog! :-)

    1. You're welcome. "NO EYE HAS SEEN, NOR EAR HEARD, what God has prepared for those that love Him." We have no idea WHAT we will be like other that what limitations of imagination we form in our minds. We will be spiritual bodies but yet have no idea what that really entails. I just know it's GOOD!!
