

Give Them What They Want!

I was questioned lately, "Why do you write so much about sin. Your blogs are very negative. You can draw more flies with honey. Why don't you write in a more positive, uplifting way like Joel Osteen for instance." Here is my answer. There is something happening in churches and among believers today. Preachers, teachers, and pastors are minimizing and softening biblical preaching so as to attract more people into their congregations. As for the person who asked of me as well as so many others today, they want a more upbeat, 'make me feel good' message and "not one that shames me or makes me want to put my head between my legs and feel bad about myself." The Bible predicted a day this would happen, where people would want preaching that appealed to their own desires, and that time is now! "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear" (2 Timothy 4:3 NIV). I'll admit, people prefer dramatic and touching stories, especially drama or the scary kind that describe demons or possession. When it comes to "sound doctrine," not so much. I know this by the logistical status from each blog I write. WE NEED SOUND DOCTRINE. Why? Sound doctrine delivers us from the snare of false teaching (2 Timothy 2:24-26; Titus 1:9-11), which otherwise threatens to arrest spiritual development (Ephesians 4:14). I refuse to fall into the trap of tailoring my blogs just to make people feel good. That is not my calling. And sadly, our culture today does not accept the idea of absolute truth. I will not lean toward giving the reader a self-satisfying spiritual experience in a completely non-judgmental atmosphere as so many preachers are doing today. I WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH. If I see sin in the Church, I'm going to talk about it, not sugar-coat it!

I find a lack of sound preaching in the pulpits of America. Turn on your TV on any given Sunday morning and watch the watered down, whispering of sweet nothing messages into the ears of viewers! They have reduced messages of escaping from condemnation without repenting from sin. They are messages of affirmation as a son or daughter of God without obedience to the Father. They are messages of comfort without denying one's self to pursue His will. Sure the better "sounding" messages are self-help messages, those that tell us God wants to prosper you, give you a job, a spouse, that home you desire so bad, messages where God will make you all you ever wanted to be. They tickle ears, put a chill up our legs, and goose-bumps down our spine. Sometimes they will throw in a few verses from the Word just for good measure. Sermons like that remind me of what Satan said to Jesus when they were high upon a mountain overlooking all the kingdoms of the world in all their splendor. Satan said, "All this will I give you if you will bow down and worship me." Jesus answered back, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only" (Matthew 4:8-9). Many preachers today are offering you want YOU WANT TO HEAR in exchange for you following them and basically worshipping them. I look at these types and say, Away from me! Worship the Lord your God and not yourselves!

My mission is to reveal "the wisdom that leads to salvation" and equips us for every good work (2 Timothy 3:15-17). Sound doctrine reveals to us "everything pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). If preachers don't explain and apply Scripture, their preaching may be entertaining and inspirational; but it will lack life-changing power. I want us to hear the Word, understand it, apply it, live it, change! I don't believe a person given a commission to teach or preach should ever pull punches. Paul instructed those called by God to preach so as to "reprove, rebuke, and exhort with great patience and instruction" (2 Timothy 4:2). Here is a question I have for you. What do you do with the commands you've read from the Scripture? Do you obey them or just highlight them in yellow marker? Sound doctrine taught from the Word should show people where their lives are not in line with God's truth and help them to make the necessary corrections to obey that truth consistently. As parents, we correct our 4 and 5-year-olds and direct them in obedience. As adults, how is it we find it so difficult to obey God's instructions? Let me go over quickly what Paul said the Word is for (and those teaching it). #1 TO REPROVE. As one who teaches I am to present my teaching (in this case my blogs) in a logically convincing manner FROM THE WORD OF GOD so that you are persuaded that what Scripture says is right even though your behavior is wrong. It is then the Holy Spirit's task to reprove (convict) you concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8). #2 TO REBUKE. As one who teaches I am to make an appeal to your conscience. You could say this is the moral aspect of what I blog about. It's the, "You're sinning against God and you need to repent." People tend not to like that sort of thing, but it is desperately needed in our watered-down, feel-good Christianity. We have become so watered down that many within the Body of Christ now agree with homosexuality and a woman's right to abort her baby. #3 TO EXHORT. As one who teaches I am to encourage you to right behavior. Some people need rebuke, others need some encouragement. Let this one sink in: if I encourage those who need rebuking, I assist them to go on sinning. But if I rebuke those who need encouragement, I'll discourage them."

My goal is to become a channel for the Spirit and that you understand anything I teach through these blogs even if takes great patience and time on your part to comprehend, absorb, and act upon. Change isn't an overnight deal. People require time to change. They don't always get it the first time around. It might be why some of the themes of my blogs may seem redundant at times. Patience, however, never means accepting or tolerating one's sins, but rather, bearing with peoples weaknesses. That's where careful instruction comes in. I speak about ways you can grow and strengthen in Christ. My aim is that YOU can look at your Bible and understand what it is saying and how it applies to your life.
Until next time,


  1. This blog is hitting the nail on the head,it's EXACTLY what you hear in church,they give you a little ear candy and then pass the collection plate. Keep up the straight forward blogs Pat

  2. Unfortunately it's true, Kerry. The eye opener is … this is only one thing that would happen near the end. By "the end" I don't mean the destruction of the earth and the end of human-kind. I mean the end of the world as Christians know to be true. Soon there will be His calling us away. There are a few disturbing events yet to come. Thanks for stopping by! I miss interacting with you since I departed from FB. Keep strong in the Lord. Your faith will be rewarded!

  3. the churches in America are struggling. a growing number of Americans are far from God and the Christian influence is beginning to fade. I have literally heard people say, "i don't like the way he preaches. his voice grates on me." I've also heard, "we need a younger pastor. this guy is too old." the important thing is the message, not the man. we need truth. I agree with kerry and pat. people want messages that make them feel good and not the ones that warn them of hell, sinful living, or a necessity to read and learn the word. the church is in a sad state. I wonder if this is a part of the 'falling away' scriptures tells us about. do you think so, pat?

  4. Dan, I'll begin my answer w/a scripture: “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Yes, I believe the "falling away" has begun. This falling away is speaking about Christians. It is not directed at non-believers because non-believers have nothing to fall away from! Paul's warning is to the churches! According to scripture, the falling away will involve revealing, "the man of sin" "the lawless one" which is according to the workings of Satan! This is yet to come, but the falling away has begun. Christians are leaving their first love (Christ) and sinking back into the world. These that fall away will be deceived by "signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish (the non-believers), because they (the Christians that fall away) did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved" (all recorded in 2 Thessalonians). So to reiterate, yes, I do believe the great falling away is in progress. Christians are turning away in great numbers, returning to sin, believing and wanting pastors who tickle their ears, and thus God will send them strong delusion (a false Christ) that they will be fooled by the miracles and wonders he does in the sight of men. This will lock in their fate because they didn't want the truth that would save them, they wanted a soft, easy-does-it, no condemnation gospel.

    1. Excellent response. Thanks Pat for expounding on Dan's comment.

  5. This blog message was the perfect answer to those particular questions! People get uncomfortable with the Truth because it stirs up conviction deep within them. They don't want to look at it.
    This was excellent...again.
    God bless Pat.

  6. Thank you, Diane. Yes. God's Word does stir up conviction of sin, but too, people just don't want to LET GO of their sin. That's where the heart comes in. If people come to Christ w/o ever intending on giving up their sin, their faith is in vain. The Word is to convict of sin, appeal to your guilt, yet gives hope that there is a way out of sin into hope and saving grace through Christ Jesus. It is my firm stance that this "once saved always saved" is a lie from Satan. Judas was a disciple who walked with Jesus! He fell away. He betrayed Jesus. He sold him out for money. And for me, that decision as well as committing suicide indicates he became "possessed" by demons that drove him to turn on Jesus and hang himself. Judas "could" have been forgiven by Jesus had he repented and returned as did the Prodigal son, but Judas was on a mission, driven by evil spirits. If Judas can fall away like that, doesn't it only make sense we are capable too if we do not WATCH, pray, stay in His Word, etc. ?? My next blog will be on the meaning of to WATCH. Blessings, Diane.
