

Offensive Gospel

Teaching God's truth can, will, and most times offend people. I've seen it and witnessed it personally. When what I blog offends someone it causes that person discomfort. I get it because I too at one time in my life was offended by Truth. Living in sin will cause that kind of reaction. Should we not want to teach/preach that which causes someone to be uncomfortable with their lifestyle of sin? Someone made me uncomfortable once and I'm glad they did. According to the Word of God, if I allow someone to think that they are okay living a sinful lifestyle I am in the wrong (Acts 20:26-27; Romans 6:1,15). Not that it is my "duty" to judge you, it is my duty to speak the truth because I care about where you are. Just as if I saw you drowning in a lake, I would jump in to rescue you from drowning or at least throw you a flotation device. I know what it's like to be drowning. Someone cared enough to come to my rescue. I don't hate that person today, I still thank God for them! Why do I want to teach what God has taught me? Because the Gospel "is the power of God unto salvation for everyone that believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek" (Romans 1:16). The gospel is the power of God THAT SAVES! Those who reject the words of the Lord do so not because I'm an offense to them, but out of being offended by the Lord. I don't take things personally. I remember when I would make fun of someone handing out a gospel tract or attempting to talk to me on the street. I rejected the words because I didn't want to be corrected. Even while sitting in Mass each Sunday, I was offended by the gospel because I knew I was not living right and if I listened to what was being said it only made me feel more guilty.

God has asked those that have listened, heard, understood and received, to teach and preach nothing more than His Word (2 Timothy 4:2). I'm a simple person sharing what I know, scouring the lake and calling out to any person who is drowning. In Acts 17:2-7, Paul and Silas were in a town called Thessalonica (verse 1). They were preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. The preaching of the gospel will always bring either a positive or negative response. That's a given. Some in Thessalonica believed and accompanied Paul and Silas (verse 4), but others did not believe and wanted to bring harm upon Paul and Silas insomuch that the brethren sent Paul and Silas away under the cover of night (verse 10). The charge was, "These that have turned the world upside down are come to us also (verse 6). If the Word of God is taught the way intended, people WILL BE OFFENDED especially with those who reject what the Word of God demands they do. And believe it or not, some preachers and teachers fear to tell the whole truth, even watering it down, actually lightening up on parts that convict people of sin because they are afraid they won't be liked or that they will offend people and lose members of their church!

Listen carefully to this from 2 Timothy 4:3, "For the time is coming when men will not tolerate wholesome teaching. They will want something to tickle their ears and their own fancies and will collect teachers who will pander to their own desires. They will no longer listen to the truth but will wander off after man-made fictions. For yourself, stand fast in all that you are doing, meeting whatever suffering this may involve. Go on steadily preaching the Gospel and carry out to the full commission that God gave you." This is absolutely happening now, in this age, where people seek teachers who won't offend them, who won't convict them of sin, and who water down the truth. Preachers and teachers are catering to these kinds of "Christians" because they fear running them off rather than embracing the priority of converting someone to Christ. I'm human. I don't want someone angry with me, cursing me, or leaving my page because they read a blog they disagreed with. But I will not water down the truth to appease the crowd. I will continue to follow Timothy's instructions, "Go on steadily preaching the Gospel and carry out to the full commission that God gave you."

I wonder how some teachers and preachers today that have the "offend nobody mentality" feel when they read Biblical accounts on homosexuality, effeminate men, sexual relationships outside of marriage, killing innocent blood, specifically abortion in this day and age? Paul taught against idolatry (Acts 19:25-29) and it caused confusion and strife among the people, so God must have been upset with Paul for his words, right? Wrong! The record states, "And many that believed came, and confessed, and showed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together and burned them before all men: and prevailed" (Acts 19:18-20 KJV). We can see from the above verse that preaching the Word of God caused some to be "offended" to the point that they "believed, confessed, and showed their deeds" (verse 18).

Stephen wasn't stoned to death because he tried to keep from running someone off (Acts 7: 51-60). Preaching the Gospel is about telling people what they NEED TO DO to be saved (Acts 2: 37-41). When you tell someone they need to be saved, you are telling them they are lost, just as someone told me! Some, maybe even many, will not take kindly to being told they are in need of a Savior (John 8:32-37). Nevertheless, while some may be offended, it is my work to take the Word of God to people as far as I can (Acts 5:42; Acts 20:20). My blogs are just the vehicle to do that. I invite all who will receive Jesus Christ as Savior. Here is a starting point, a prayer to give your heart to Him. Lord Jesus, for too long I've kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking. By faith, I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. I am ready to trust You as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart., Lord Jesus. and be my Savior. AMEN!
Until next time,


  1. I appreciate your blogs, pat. you don't mince words. that's why I keep coming back to read. my 17 year old son loves you. what came to my mind about people flocking to preachers who give their members what they want, is that one guy with a mega church, olsteen I think? I have looked in on his service on tv before just to listen and check him out. he is one preacher in my own personal opinion that preaches "sermons" that lift people up with b.s. but he never talks about spirit baptism, being saved, jesus teachings, never has said holy spirit, nothing! in other words, the bible is never read from or taught from. he tells people how they can succeed, how they can get what they want, how God wants them to be best in what they do, how a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life, that your best days are ahead of you, do all you can to make your dreams come true, on and on. people are so fooled. he talks a "me-me" sermon every week. never mentioning repentance, sin, hell, walking in the spirit, obedience, etc. he tickles ears, gives people positive lines to build their egos (and his) and people flock to him by the millions because of it. keep telling the truth, pat. hold nothing back. people need the truth, not mush or psychological lessons in how I can be a better me. without God, it's impossible to change or improve.

    1. We must always be wise when mentioning other teachers and preachers of the Word. I personally do not like Joel Osteen's style but only God can judge his heart. His Church is a huge "seeker friendly" church, meaning often the Word is tempered for those going who have never heard the Gospel. To me it does fall under the category of "tickling ears however only God knows the hearts of those listening. We need to pray for those who need to hear the Truth of the Gospel and no less!

    2. I understand where you're coming from, Dan. The Spirit will give discernment as we "try the spirits to see if they are from God." I too have noticed that particular preacher using a message of self improvement, happy-happy living, without Gospel repentance or conviction. Diane is correct. Though we cannot personally judge THE MAN, I do believe when our spirits perceive falsehoods we are allowed to speak up as you have to point out error. Diane is also correct in that we must pray for people who are drawn in by misleading gospels.

  2. I appreciate your words, Dan. It's not always easy, but I would rather lose friends or followers than lose my relationship with God by stretching the truth, adding or removing from the words of The Word.

  3. In Canada now you can be arrested for preaching the Gospel! Over the ages, everything possible has been done to diminish, abolish and destroy the Bible. Jesus Christ was killed, murdered for His message. Still, the devil wants the voices silenced of those who preach His message of love and forgiveness.
    If He wasn't such a threat and His Word incapable of changing lives, many would have stopped a long time ago trying to destroy His Word AND work! I was a sinner, the moment I heard the Gospel I went home and repented....that was 43 yrs ago and I've never looked back! He IS Who He says He is!

  4. Are you kidding, Diane? When did that happen, that Canadians can be arrested for preaching the Gospel? Are they closing churches there too? I had no idea this was going on in Canada. I agree we should pray for those seeking truth because there are many "false prophets" that have gone out into the world according to scripture: "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1). Preachers must be held accountable. There are way too many churches that have preachers who only teach goodness, kindness, positive living, etc. Nothing wrong with being a decent person but being "decent" gets no one to heaven. Only by accepting the Gospel as truth, following Jesus and acknowledging HE IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
